Windows 7 vs Mac

If you have not already known, Windows 7 was on sales yesterday for most part of the world!

Of cause whenever an event this big and a new operating system from Microsoft, there would be certain group of people hoping for it to go wrong. Can’t blame them, publicity is either good or bad.

Now, which is your pick? Mac will not let Microsoft steal the entire spotlight they too came out with bunch of new polish gadgets 2 days before Windows 7!


Apple scraping the bottom of the barrel? 🙂 (some one commented on CNET and I actually trying to imaging the situation… LOL)

Anyway, Please help me to vote (right top), I like to know which one would you be getting and you can add your own vote as you see fit. Thank you

4 responses to “Windows 7 vs Mac”

  1. Well, I’m using Vista and I’m sick of it already. I really hope I can install Windows 7. I don’t know Mac, but they say it’s the best. If I had money, I’d buy a Mac Book.. maybe one day. As for now, I hope I could just use Windows 7. They always say it’s so much better. But they said the same thing about Vista, so I don’t really trust them. Shall see…
    .-= MKL´s last blog ..Lee Hyo-ri: 30 and uberhot! =-.

    • (ehem…) from my experience, I say you gonna love Windows 7 more (over Vista). I have use Windows 7 beta & Release candidate (RC) since beginning of the year and I love the performance.

      I have Vista home premium, which I bought in 2007 but I have since stop using. Windows 7 is what Vista should be but Microsoft kinda screw up because the market was not ready for it. I can’t say Vista is that bad but in the OS market, Vista suck big time in term of hardware compatibility & drivers support by 3rd party.

      I am happy that Windows 7 delivers what Microsoft promised. Mac Fanboys will defend that Windows 7 & Vista copied from Mac’s idea but Windows 7 do have some fresh gist in it. Mac vs Windows 7 are totally different animal but can’t denied both Mac & Windows Fanboys will enjoy both OS in a different working environment.

      I love Mac 🙂 save up and get a Macbook Pro and install your Windows 7 on it 🙂 so cool!

      Thank you for comment 🙂
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Windows 7 vs Mac =-.