Today I learned something about Jovy Ive and his influences in design.

He believes in the philosophy of ten commandments of “good design” by Dieter Rams. Dieter Rams is a German industrial designer closely associated with the consumer products company Braun and the Functionalist school of industrial design.1

Jovy Ive speaks highly of Dieter Rams’ designs.

When Ive talks about Rams designing “surfaces that were without apology, bold, pure, perfectly-proportioned, coherent and effortless”, he could equally be talking about the iPod.

Quotes from: Dieter Rams: Apple has achieved something I never did

To me this is interesting, Dieter Rams and Jovy Ive shared the very same philosophy that makes a product simple, clean, useful and successful.

What this means to us as Apple users, you know, you’re not only paying for a product that is useful but also paying for an unapologetic tasteful and beautiful product design.

“Weniger, aber besser” “Less, but better” a Dieter Rams’ design approach. Simplicity is the Apple design approaches? Whichever way you look at it, both share the uncanny resemblance of a great and successful design.

What’s your thought on this?

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