Cloud Computing

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The Question — What’s Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing sounds very technical and confusing for many. From consumer level, Cloud Computing will change how we use and access our computing needs in the future.


Google already had few apps online that you can test drive and experience how Cloud Computing will benefit you. Lets hope that this service will be free for use for long time, Storage needs will not be always free for sure.

Google Updater

The most painstaking process in new system building is installing application software and look for the suitable drivers. I’ve just install Windows 7 RC on my new replacement motherboard. In just few minutes, I have got my Email, word processing, spyware scanner, virus scanner, photo web album and etc ready for use!

Windows 7 Task Bar
Windows 7 Task Bar. As you can see, basic computing needs is all there for free and ready for use.

All these made possible with one single installer, the Google Updater. Very convenience!

Google Docs
Picture: Google Docs. The good thing about Cloud Computing is that you can access virtually from any mobile devices that has access to the internet!


I saw Microsoft Office 2010 on a teaser/trailer video last month, Imagine in the future you pay for MS Office software without needing full installation on your local hard disk — That’s should equally interesting 🙂


Cloud According to Google Blog

People want to get to their email instantly, without wasting time waiting for their computers to boot and browsers to start up. They want their computers to always run as fast as when they first bought them. They want their data to be accessible to them wherever they are and not have to worry about losing their computer or forgetting to back up files. Even more importantly, they don’t want to spend hours configuring their computers to work with every new piece of hardware, or have to worry about constant software updates. ~ googleblog

Picture: The Inspiron Mini 12/ source

I am not sure If I will be owning a netbook with Google Chrome OS inside. A low-powered computing with ability to lightning fast power up, convenience in printing, presentation and access application online in second doesn’t sound much convincing to me yet.


4 responses to “Cloud Computing”

    • Yes, seen that one. it’s an ads for the Google netbook. I have the updated Chromium on Parallels Desktop (Anyway my Parallels expired so can’t use Chromium any more). Very polished version and few days ago they announced another updated version.

      getting exciting.

    • Silvyyyyyyy!!!!

      You bought up a good point!

      Personally I will not store or trust my private document on a 3rd party! However, if I am being targeted, I think I will lose my valuable data if I am not careful.

      Again, you bought up a good point! I have always wanted to say this… because I have a concern over big software company and social networking giant over their business practice integrity. Now, with cloud computing plug and play application over the web, we should be really concern!

      When Google roll out their online applications Calendar, Documents, Reader and etc together with combine forces of millions if not billion Gmail account I have this big question mark?

      Will Google study human behavior using their services on us?

      I will not go through the lengthy legal TOS, no body will! If Google has the right to do so than…

      I have the feeling that we all are being watched, NAKED!

      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Cloud Computing =-.