Yao Yao 瑤瑤 Holly Huge!

Any one of you knows Yao Yao? At the age of 18, now turn 19, she has a 33E and maybe F. You ladies out there may be able to tell if it was an E or F.

Asian Chinese, if you own that type of asset, you’re a goddess! It’s a big hits!

You just have to wonder, Why guys love to see boobs.

Apparently, her new single are made to be cute and sexy and huggable! 爱的抱抱 Let’s sing along, Du Du Du Du Lu… Ah ha! (make sure you do the Barbie cute!)


She definitely adorable and that’s good enough reason to buy the album ^_^

She is definitely a seductive and sexy model! Wait, she has a blog! Mostly less than 50 words, the blog now has more than 3.2 million hits to date!

The morale of the story, grows big pair and a huge cute smile, you’ll on the way to your stardom with huge potential income awaits you!


11 responses to “Yao Yao 瑤瑤 Holly Huge!”

  1. lol)….maybe she’ll get adviced before performing for some dictator?
    Hope your doing well Nester!
    Wishing you a terrific weekend:)

  2. I discovered her recently and saw her vids. You can’t say she can’t sing, but she’s definitely gained popularity, because of her chest. It’s not her ‘fault’ to be gifted with these assets 🙂 She’s just making the best of it and my Taiwanese friend told me, she used to be poor and now she helps her family. She has a good heart, I was told.
    .-= My Kafkaesque Life´s last blog ..Windows 7 vs Mac =-.

    • Helllloooo My Kafkaesque Life,

      Yes I agree with you that she is making the best of it and I think she make the right choice. I just hope that she will not be exploit by some nasty people in this crazy world for her “assets”.

      I think she would have contribute a lot to her family by now because she is not only singing and dancing. She is very famous for her role is gaming industry 🙂

      good luck to this beauty queen 🙂

      Thank you for taking your time to comment 🙂
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Windows 7 vs Mac =-.

    • hahahaha She really really can’t sing! She said, she learn piano for 4 classes, each classes spend about 2 hours and she actually performance a song playing piano. Well nothing wrong with that but what so wrong is that the TV host keep saying she is so good wow! unbelievable and than keep hugging her. Bloody hell! hahahahahah

      Okay maybe I am just too jealous hahahaha but the matter of the fact, She doesn’t seem appreciate music. She do it because her audience are male dominance.

      for better or worse I still have to give it to her la… She is making money o her own I hope 🙂

    • She can’t cook Speedy! I am so sorry that she can’t be your match hahahahah

      She is cute 🙂 ohh hoo hoo hoo

      Thank you for your visit. You’re the man!