WordPress Pretty Permalinks

One thing I love about WordPress, if you have time to dig around you just might learn something new and have fun with it.

Thanks to Silvy I have my mod_rewrite fixed and have my Pretty Permalinks working.

Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as well as categories and other lists of weblog postings. A permalink is what another weblogger will use to refer to your article (or section), or how you might send a link to your story in an e-mail message. Especially when they are used to link to individual postings, once a story is posted, the URL to it should be permanent, and never change — hence permalink. ~ WordPress.org

Making your Pretty Permalinks work on WordPress

I faces few problem during my configuration process;

  • WordPress did not create file .htaccess
    To fix this problem, I log on to to my shell and do Touch .htaccess and chmod 666 .htaccess. Log on to Options > Permalinks select your common or custom structure than hit Update Premalink Structure.
  • Error page 404
    To fix this problem I have to install mod_rewrite module on Apache web server and support FollowSymlinks. AllowOverride ALL was enable and manual config direcroty was point to my blog root. Log on to Options > Permalinks select your common or custom structure than hit Update Premalink Structure. Woohoo! Now it work like a champ!

Help Files

I highly recommend you to check out WordPress.org. They have comprehensive instructions on how to set up all type of PERMALINKS. If you have problem that you can’t solve you can always refer to WordPress Support Forum.

Check out this post URL on your browser… Yes! Very pretty 🙂

Good nite all! Hug hug

4 responses to “WordPress Pretty Permalinks”

  1. Hello Julie,

    yeah long time no Hello hahahahaha Hello to you too.. I’ll drop by to your site later.

    I was really busy these day, couldn’t get my butt down to concentrate on blogging. works is killing me.

    Happy day, Julie! Muck

  2. I use Typepad, not WordPress……I was mainly just dropping by to say hello! Thanks for the info, though!