Wordless Chicken Tuesday

Wordless Chicken Tuesday is created by Speedcat Hollydale.

I think chicken, cock, rooster or birds whichever you call it is very interesting. Around the world human consume birds every day! Well if you haven’t notice, bird kills too! Current H5N1 avian influenza in Indonesia has 103 fatal cases! (Indonesia is very, very close to my home town!)

Have you seen a fighter cock before?

My home town is very famous with cockfighting! Cockfighting is illegal in Malaysia but there are still small group of people breeding these birds for sales.

The Cock that fight!

Fighter cock @ Netstersblog.com Fighter cock @ Netstersblog.com
Fighter cock @ Netstersblog.com Fighter cock @ Netstersblog.com

This is what Chicken has become…

Red Rooster Gold Coast Autralia KFC Gold Coast Australia

5 responses to “Wordless Chicken Tuesday”

  1. TNASpeedy!

    Thanks 🙂 Seriously I’m not keen to see birds or dog fights. I must admit I do have experience with “fighting fish” I think I have too much time during my high school. I kept and breed “fighting fish” as a hobby. I against people using animal or fish in an illegal ways for their entertainment craze. Inhuman!

    Yes, one of the “biggest flu” epidemics was SARS and every one start killing birds (in Hong Kong/China as I heard, kills all the stray dog and cats they could find on the street). In Malaysia, the first case was trace back to a pig farm which creating quite a confusion as to how the virus transmit from bird to pig than to human. After some a long investigation, they finally found the answers. Bats eat the fruits from a tree, dropped the left over on ground, the pig feed on it! The entire farmer fall ill and some died after feeding the pig, this is because the farmer come close contact with the pig saliva during the feeding. The government has slain all the pigs and close down the farm. Surprisingly, bats have a good immune system to this flu! I think WHO is working on it and some good vaccines already been use on human.

    Silvy might be able to share some thought on this, eh? Hahahaha

    Thanks for the encouragement comment my friend, you’re the best! Ahahaha

    Ohhh no no dog fight for me 🙂

    Cheers all!

  2. Dog fights are forbidden here too, but some people still grow pitbulls for fighting and some go watch and gamble, but its not between common people here, only rich ones with somewhat mafia relations… )

  3. The fighting bird is one aspect of chicken history that I have never understood. I guess, I have always been a very non-agressive person. As well… , dogs, bulls, and people for that matter. What do you think about these arena competitions?
    The latest influenza information has slowed down quite a bit. Of course, here in the US, it has not been an imeadiate threat. I remember when it first became public …. there were many claiming that this would become the next super flu, and devestate the entire globe. Let’s hope that something of this enormous proportion never does come to pass.
    You are the first to have a broad sense of the chicken issues brought into the limelight on a Wordless Chicken Tuesday post. Very interesting submission, and one that brings forth some serious aspects of the “Poultry-World”.

    I will put you up on the “BIG BOARD of POULTRY”!!! I wonder … you may be the very last player on the strangest “day of the week” posting community ever. Thanks Netster! The list was a little small – thanks to you, there is one more; and a very good one at that.

    Speedy VanChickenhouse 🙂

  4. Silvy,

    Brutal and gambling!

    I have no idea why you were identified as spammer hahahhahaha I think it’s mainly due to the words – the sequent of sentence matches the spammer tactic. I have de-spam you (LOL) I hope your next comment doesn’t end up in spam bin again.

    If it happen again than you can register as a subscriber, WP would remember better this way 🙂

    Cheers & hug hug

  5. fights are banned because too brutal for the animals? PS: Why WP always identify my comments as SPAM ? (