This morning my lovely two years old took out my Windows 7 box. Brings back some memories. I was that guy you know, the Windows guy.


Tinkering with PC and setup, reformatting-installing-reformatting, spend on an exorbitant price on hardware and I think the most expensive thing I spend on a Windows PC is — Time!

The day I bought my first MacBook with the MYR 4k price tag is the best decision I have ever made for myself.

What I really buy is — Time.

The reason I said that is because my MacBook save me countless time on installing, reinstalling, losing precious data and save me from frustration.

The famous quote  — It just works.

In fact, the only time I reinstall my Mac was the yearly new OS X updates.

How MacBook change my life? I stop using mice, I fall in love with multi-touch gestures, I fall in love with all aluminum chassis, I never bought any anti virus software, I spend money on good apps, I bought an iPad iPhone as a companion to enrich my life and workflow.

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