Where do I go? been an ages since the last post! LOL, I know!

12th August – 18th August 2007

I was in Kota Kinabalu (KK), Sabah for my usual monthly travel trip. This time around I got to experience more things after work.

I stayed at 2 hotels in KK just to have some different feels. The best thing about new hotels in KK was the LCD TV and free Internet access. The price is range from MYR168 – 200 you get a very nice room.

Every where we go, foods is one of the main thing we must have. When I was in Australia, I was so worry that I will not be able to get use to the food there. I was wrong, you can eat Chinese just about any where!

KK has many places that really good to eat. “Bak Kut Teh” was my favorite! it’s great to know that KK has the best “Bak Kut Teh” around. (will include photo in future)

After a hard day work, getting yourself a beer to satisfy your thirst is just not a problem in KK. I don’t normally drink alcohol drinks accept once in a blue moon drinking session with staff. I just happen to be lucky my old friend was in town and since he met customer at night for business talk, I come and join the party.

23rd August 2007

After getting smaller and trendy camera Sony T-100 exactly at 21:30:52 I’m ready for the next hotel room the next day! The next hotel is Eastin Hotel, Petaling Jaya. What I like about this hotel? Well, Nothing hahahah! No FREE Wifi and LCD TV.

That night my boss buys us dinner at TGI Friday. If you do not know what to eat? stop thinking! Just get yourself 3 course meals for MYR39.90. As per the menu name suggest, you will get appetizer, entrée and dessert. Check my photo for the tasty good time shot.

My next stop the next morning was to Avillion village Resort at Port Dickson. it’s about 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. Nice place for a first timer… I bet those who O’ so familiar with the place might get a bit of boring feeling. please check out my photo to view the nice scenery. The room was great! and the shower room is fantastic! check my photo.

So do you like to know more about these great places? Malaysia has lot of nice places… so please visit Malaysia anytime soon 🙂

Okay I take 3 days to write all this due to limitation of time to work and rest. to add more headache to my tiredness, wordpress acting kinda strange with some minor bugs that preventing me from uploading my photo. I’m not going to fix it any time soon.

Please enjoy viewing the photo I took, some exotic food for you before I pen down! Enjoy

9 responses to “Where do I go? been an ages since the last post! LOL, I know!”

  1. Hello Happyman!

    I can not remember how it feel to be in Port Dickson, I mean I totally forgotten I ever been there! thanks for reminding me hahhahaaha

    I didn’t go out of the resort, we were preparing our play for the evening dinner. Didn;t notice that place was that dull!

    I think Port Dickson got lot of Muslim right? it’s not easy to get license to operate, beside political may play a big role 😉

    anyway, I just say say only la… this is Malaysia Boleh land after all…

    Happyman, I have been to Gold Coast and Tokyo… It was still fresh in my mind. sad, Port Dickson would skipped my mind hahahahhahaha

    You have a nice day and thank you for your comment! Gambateh ne!

  2. was in port dickson laz week and i wanted to have some nice drinks over a football mactch and music .. but the only place i was told by the locals was head on to a hotel lobby. i was very supprise to find out there isnt any pub or cafe in the whole of port dickson to cater me and my friends . i suggest Port Dickson should have pubs or cafe’s out side hotels so that the visitor can walk in casuall and relaxed . Hotel outlets are expensive and have to be decent attire ( no slippers or shorts) .. Common laaa .. we come to Port Dickson to enjoy and not to spoil the mood . I hope the nex time I come with my frens to Port Dickson . i ll see a normal street pub or cafe . thanks

  3. Sure man. Now in KL for meeting. As chinese proverb says si bi ku. Like that lo.. hehe… Take care man.. Back to Kch then call u for Yam Cha ok?? tata

  4. Eric Lee Chin Han! Thank you Than you… Congratulation on your baby oh… so pretty like her mom! your HP spoils ah? get Dell lo hahahaha I’ll call you yamcha ya 🙂

    Thank you for visit ah 🙂 keep in touch ya 013-8090888 (I have change my number 😉 )

    Regards, fuifa

  5. Yo man.. Nice Blogs u have here.. 🙂 Cool man. I think my HP spoilt already. U know why? Cause it’s not ringing DUDE!! Do call me for Yam Cha ok?? Take care man. Seeya

  6. This slide show is very professional. Nice work Netster 🙂 (Don’t drink too much beer!)
    Looks like a chow down at Fridays – WOW
    Nice scenery is right, the places on the water are very beautiful.
    The bathrooms are so nice, they make me want to shave or something (ha haaa!)
    Whhooaahh, what a cool pool…
    More food, and DESSERTS!!
    ..was that chicken??
    I left another comment on your next post. Stay safe and on the right path Nester aka Fui Fa