Internet separation anxiety. You go crazy, angry for even the smallest stupid things you can imagine.

It makes you go all out to have your internet fix. You pay for exorbitant data and pissed about it and blame anyone who make you pay more. You felt that all the Telco in Malaysia are fucking scum who just want to cheat you for something relatively cheap compare to Streamyx.

You get angry with any internet provider even if it’s not their fault. You make enemy with all the customer service at the desk pertaining to the Internet service. You raise your voice and in the hope they understand you, but obviously they don’t, so you continue raising your voice.

It’s made you want to pull your hair out when TM contractors slow to restore your cable and Internet. You check the overhead cable as you drive by, you curse as you still see the cable is not fixed and double curse as you almost drive your new car down the ditch.

If your Maxis mobile internet use to sucks and you never bother to call to complaint because you have Streamyx, things change; you fucking call them everyday demanding the 3G connections. Restless, as you keep repeating yourself to the customer service that have no authority to fix an antenna next to your house.

If you use to watch YouTube, now you don’t. If you use for streaming music, now you don’t. If you use to consume content with full blown picture, now you don’t. Fuck 4K video, that’s not even reachable.

Thanks to Streamyx, now you are fucking dumber then ever before.

I have had a serious anxiety since July 2014. Ever since the telephone cable got stolen and never got fixed, I spend lots of money on Maxis internet data. I complain a lot and get angry really fast.

My solution was to sleep early every night and get up early so I can use internet at a coffee shop.

I have been online since 1994 and it’s not something you can live without, not the Internet.

2 responses to “What happen when you don’t have Streamyx for half a year?”

  1. a fine showcase for internet addiction 😀
    It feels a bit empty for me when i dont have internet, but i find other things to do.