Will WebGL replacing Flash in the future? check out how the WebGL on your browser rendering 3D graphic beautifully.

My guess is that Facebook would be one of the few website in the future that will makes WebGL a hit with the 3D games.



Very informative video how the web changes over the decade by Rad Neuberg from Google, Giorgio Sardo from Microsoft, and Peter Lubbers from Kaazing.

If you’re not into HTML this video would be so boring for you.

8 responses to “WebGL”

    • i doubt it will be useful for videos, there is HTML5 for video’s
      …. but major players still cant decide about default codec…

      theora – free, but not very good
      h264 – not free
      webm – made by Google, free, but h264 lobbysts want to sue in in the court, damned MPEG LA, let them burn

      • MPEG LA let them burn hahahaha until today the many types of video encoding just never do us right.

        each and every developer wants to be the best and these tech isn’t indispensable and damn the changes from one decade to another.

        The only thing that never change is the video technology keeps coming up with new one for new video format!

        until every one agreed with one or two the video spaces will keep evolving.

        Now that HTML5 are getting momentum I hope all the developers just agreed on one and lets build the web a real standard.

        I want a browser that play video, 3D and web surfing without extra plugins or third party apps.

        make it happen people. 😀

        • MPEG LA just want to gather $ as royalty, for using codecs, so they are trying to sue WebM , they gather patents from _OTHERS_ and will try to gather $ for using WebM as well.. if they succeed

          they are just patent trolls, all they want is $

          Lets hope that they ‘ll break their teeth trying to bite Google.
          Honestly speaking , Google has not invented WebM (VP8 video codec), they bought it with On2 company (VP6 codec, which is used in flash video. VP8 was just next step), but the good thing they did – they opened it royalty free for everyone.

    • Bro! Hahahaha in the future you do not have a choice to be a slave or not. The tech would be more like auto push to your browser hahahaha

      Cheers 😀