Vote For Senator Speedcat “Speedy” Hollydale

Speedcat hollydale running for President! Are you a undecided Independent, a Florida Republican, or tired of the Democratic Spin Doctors? In a time of skyrocketing gas prices, a recession, and another non-stop war, we need a man in the government who can at least make us laugh every day! For real comical change in the White House next year, vote for Senator Speedcat “Speedy” Hollydale!

Please help Speedy’s comical campaign by placing a button on your blog as the write-in candidate of the people, for the people, and by the people! Bloggers who support Senator Speedcat “Speedy” Hollydale for President include

  1. Debbie Dolphin
  2. Miss Moneypenny
  3. Wendy Wendster Wenderilla
  4. Kimberly “Arthouis” Barker
  5. Senator Speedcat “Speedy” Hollydale
  6. Olga, the Traveling Bra
  7. Olga’s cups are overflowing with support for Senator Speedy!
  8. Netster’s Blog
  9. Christine Bean
  10. Julie’s Blog supports Speedy!
  11. Michelle
  12. Robert Bourne and his book “Life and Love, From the Road” on sale online at Lulu support Senator Speedy!
  13. James Bondcat 0007 Undercover
  14. Clash of the Titanics by Los Lobos!
  15. O My Word!
  16. Archie supports the New Presidential Candidate and wants to photograph Speedy!
  17. Add your Name & Link Here!

This could develop into a Presidential Meme for real change in the White House using this simple rule: Copy this post and link back to Vote For Senator Speedcat “Speedy” Hollydaleto show your support and you will be added to the Meme Master list if Technorati sees your secret support!

Go Go Speedy cat! run baby run! — Netster

6 responses to “Vote For Senator Speedcat “Speedy” Hollydale”

  1. muck means kiss???? Ha haaaaaaaa!!! I had no idea. I think I will only use that at home from now on 🙂

    (((chicken wings))) – my reply

  2. Miss Moneypenny,

    It’s my pleasure. Thank you for your visit. Speedcat can run for president oh yes! Go speedy go! Btw, I love your meme on showing off your desktop 🙂 you have a tidy and clean desktop! I will do it when I’ve got time but I’ll show with video hahahhahaha Hug Hug

    Hahahaha I will support you 101%! Muck!

    Miss Moneypenny is definitely awesome! No problem my friend anything for you… Muck! Yes you use the “muck” correctly just don’t lip to lip muhahhahahah (Just for the sake of comfort for my readers, Speedy and me is not gay hahahahhahaha)

    Have a nice day Moneypenny, Kim & Speedy! Go speedy go!

  3. Awesome! Miss Moneypenny seems to have started a title wave. Thanks for your support Netster, and I also saw you supported Robert and his new book. These things show the kind of person you are …. a pretty good one my friend.

    Take care Netster!!!

    Muck ~ did I use that word right?? 😉


  4. hey Netster…
    I’ll have to remember if I ever go into politics I’ll be calling on you to do my campaigning…
    great job with Speedys…
    have a terrific day !!! 😉 🙂