VMware Fusion 3.1 or Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac OS X?

Fusion 3

VMware Fusion 3.1 and Parallels Desktop on Promotion

A short introduction — Fusion or Parallels are both virtual machine(VM) software for Mac OS. You can run multiple Operating Systems on top your current Mac OS without needing to reboot. You can virtually switch operating system without any hassle.

I needed a VM to run Windows application that is not available in Mac OS.

VMware & Parallels on Promotion

Both software have got the promotion right now. It’s HARD choices simply because I want both — price and performance.

Fusion 3
VMware Fusion 3.1 @USD 39.99 (RM124)

Parallels Desktop 6 @RM279.20

As you can see the price is different by more than half. Fusion is way cheaper and while Parallels have better review.

What’s the experts say

I ask liewcf and BrentO for their choices…


Parallels Desktop

Wikipedia has a very nice comparison between VMware Fusion and Parallels Desktop. Everything else point to Parallels Desktop being the best.


  • article preview: “Parallels Desktop 6 beat VMware Fusion 3.1 in 85% of the general tests we ran.” Read here1 http://ow.ly/3qx47
  • article preview: “Parallels Desktop 6 beat VMware Fusion 3.1 in 92% of the 3D graphics tests we ran.”2 Read here http://ow.ly/3qxOq
  1. http://twitter.com/ParallelsMac/status/15553589556543488 []
  2. http://twitter.com/ParallelsMac/status/15573152285331457 []

13 responses to “VMware Fusion 3.1 or Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac OS X?”

  1. Can you , perhaps, ask your friend Brent Ozar (since he is a pro in SQL) what does he think about future of Oracle’s MySQL versus MariaDB ? Which one will become default in free world? Why? Which one may have better technical progress in features , performance etc ?

  2. precisely this is one of the main reason that is holding me back from getting the imac.

    with parallels, i can switch to windows without shutting down and operate my fav pc games without a hitch?

    • Bro you should get your iMac than we can now have a group chat about Mac hehehehe

      The games you love will run. I don’t think you have any major problem with an iMac (better power processing) I run Parallels on my MacBook (late 2008 model build early 2009 version) and it runs like champ! Here’s my screen shot http://cl.ly/2o0K1I083j2K371l343U

      Now, if you’re interested to buy an iMac and (I’m just guessing) not sure when to buy… please hold your horse as the new line up with better processing power (new intel) is said to be out next year (Q1, if iPad 2 out in Q1 than Q2 would be the Mac lineup)

      I bought my Macbook a little too soon in 2009, the following year exactly 3 month down the road Macbook Pro with a better specs and cheaper than my MacBook was on shelf!

      Have some patience wait for next year to see if the new line up would be announced.

      Otherwise you can go for it now, seriously no regret

  3. Hi,

    You are welcome. I am new to Mac, feel like having Windows in Mac OSX is nice, so find some info on PD, Fusion and VirtualBox :). I decided for PD6 and got my copy, yes from Apple Store Malaysia (but item is shipped from Singapore |||), still in consideration wanna go ahead for fusion 3 USD9.90 or not (funny to have two VM apps in Mac although fusion upgrade is cheap). But VM image seem like an established standard and I may able to use my images in other VM product lines if I choose to use fusion.
    I registered for both trials, after I tried parallel for two days straight away I placed order. Still not yet try fusion although trial start counting on the day I registered.
    However also wonder my PD6 key able to activate the PD again next time if I upgrade to fusion using PD6 key 🙂

    Merry Christmas! Cheers!

    • Hello Gavin,

      Ho ho ho HOwdy HO!

      Welcome to the Mac! We should stick together you know hahahaha let’s chat about Mac 😀

      From what I see, you should still be able to use the key for Parallels. VMware didn’t change anything they just need the code to verify you’re really owning one of the copy otherwise they will charge full price to the products.

      If you’re seriously wanted to buy the upgrade well go ahead, if for some reason you don’t like it than you can sell it to me.. provided I have not obtain parallels Ho ho ho Santa feeling cheapskate a little this holiday LOL

      Ho HO HO Cheers

  4. Hi,

    Found this blog when finding info on VMware Fusion 3 and parallel desktop 6.
    If can’t decide, get a Parallel Desktop from Apple Store RM279.20 and get a USD9.90 fusion upgrade from VMware (allow competitor upgrade), you got both 🙂
    However may need to check is the Parallel license still valid after you upgrade.

    • HI Gavin!

      Now I got partner in crime hahahaha

      You’re shopping for VM for Christmas? Cool! You got a good point there but I think we can only choose one. buying both is expensive affair *giggle*

      The other alternative is, just download both the software and test drive than decide which one to buy. Yes, I am going to do that.

      Since VMware Fusion promotion is already due for the above I received another email from VMware for another promotion with slightly higher price at USD49.99. (RM155)

      Thanks for your input 😀


    • Hello Dear 🙂

      I’m so happy you notice that! hahahahhaa

      I love original products because I suppose to feel safe using it 🙂 I love the facts that I have access to the timely updates without hassle.

      I also on the other hand appreciate their work. It’s not easy for people to design software… and if I like it I should at least support their effort hahahahaha

      I sounds like grandpa, damn it!

    • I have use VirtualBox for sometime and it’s too slow hahahahaha I am looking for commercial products for better performance and stably running Windows 7. (See I say performance and yet I am greedy for the cheaper price)

      Importantly I can not have my Windows system open halfway and hang while I am doing presentation. Happen to me very often and I am losing sales because of that.


      • i`m not sure how they are on Mac, VirtualBox’s Mac support (for guest) isnt very mature, maybe for host too