Upgrading WordPress 2.3

Smile For Camera

I was checking around my blog to see what to improve I saw Hor Ny Ang Moh Visiting me again hahahah thanks dude but ain’t update anything yet… just the over night Eggs.

Tomorrow I’m on leave! Yeah! Tonight I got to ready my coffee if not my bread with peanut butter! These will keep me from hunger and able to stand till 4am in the morning (could be, hard to say, I’m a freak!) hahahahahahah

WordPress 2.3 was announce readied for the world 85 days ago and since than 2.3.1 was release with follow up bug-fix and still I’m on WordPress 2.2.3! I guess I’m a bit too out dated.

The good thing about using blog that hosted on a free site is that you don’t have to worry about upgrading and security issues. I on the other hand, put my faith 100% on the efficiency of the blog software. When it gets out dated, you have to change it or you risk security breach.

But than again, where was the fun if everything was pre-ready for you and you just “poke” around eh? That’s not my style hahahahaha I need to lay my hand on it and I’m a control freak. I like to make sure I have the freedom to do what I want to do with the blog.

My next blog is about “170 years old cemetery” I’ll do it after I’m done with my upgrading.

Cheers & Hugs & Merry Christmas!

2 responses to “Upgrading WordPress 2.3”

  1. You jealous meh? don’t lah… I still have lot of lot of lot of leave have not clear… My boss lo don’t allow me hahahahah kidding la My boss some time visit my blog de.. very scary later she ban me from taking leave LOL


    cheers cheers