Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

My Experience with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

I have downloaded Ubuntu 2 month ago when my motherboard was send for repairing. Thanks to Silvy for recommending Ubuntu. This is in fact, my 3rd times in pass few years installing Ubuntu. The last 2 times I ditch the Operating System (OS) after installing it. I see no reason to install Linux system when am already running Windows. Beside, the less eyes candy looking Linux did not turning me on at all.


Installing Ubuntu


Installing Ubuntu 8.04 LTS was fairly easy and fast. If you have never touch Linux or Unix system for your entire life, it might take you few minutes on reading documents to get going (or maybe quiting LOL). Fortunately, all I need to do is Download, Burn the packages as Image File and run as Live CD.

User Interface

My Linux Desktop – Waterfalls shot taken during Xmas. Edited with GIMP.

Even on screen resolution 800 x 600 the User Interface (UI) look fairly cute to use and simple basis desktop environment can be boring to some. I enable NVIDIA driver for my 6600GT so I can finally see the cool effects. The fonts however, very ugly *LOL* I install the True Type Fonts than copy my Vista’s font over (I don’t know why I did that!). If you do not have a proper set of fonts, all the website design which look good in Windows environment may look pretty bad in Linux.


Most day to day application are already included in the OS. I installed Picasa 3 and Filezilla FTP client for my needs. Not so hard to do really! Famous applications for Windows can be found easily through hack or from open source community. Sound are working fine but I would prefer the sound control like the one on Vista. The DVD player are not working perfectly though. Can’t fast forward, go in the menu, no adjustment can made during play.


This is my one week experience with Linux, 3 problem I encounter. Internet connection may stop working if the system was inactive for sometime and if the PC was put on sleep mode, there is no way for me to wake up. Error boot up happen sometime. I really appreciate the convenience of Update Manager.

Since I have 2 CPU, I am going to use Vista and Ubuntu concurrently. The great thing about Linux system is the huge communities who shared and contributed their knowledge and idea freely.

Why use Linux? There is huge potential in Linux through development and learning. I am sure to enjoy the learning part and I guess this is the best Christmas present for 2008!

Happy Holiday peeps!

15 responses to “Ubuntu 8.04 LTS”

  1. Yes I follow the step you email me. thanks 🙂

    now I got a problems. I tried to delete the list I have added
    sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

    I delete the lines than try to save it says I done have the right to it. is my syntax wrong?


    Happy new year! later I’m going out for count down. I have never do this for my entire life on my home town. I am so depress with my job. I wonder if I will come back in one piece tonight.

    Anyway, Happy New year.

    p/s I’m screwed 😛

  2. smplayer must be inside normal repo’s
    i have never added anything but the normal ubuntu’s repos

    dont use intrepid for 8.04 (because its 8.10)

    8.04 is hardy

    download keyring package and install using sudo dpkg -i
    details in email i sent b4.

  3. Silvy,

    I remember added 2 lines below to sources.list

    deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid universe multiverse
    deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid universe multiverse

    Can’t remember what it does. Maybe I was trying to install the smplayer. didn’t work. I went to sourceforge download the package i386, didn’t work as well.

    I have follow your instruction, the error NO_PUBKEY has been fixed.

    You mention I have wrong repo, how do it fix it? or the link you have given is already fixing it 🙂

  4. Its been updates since release (April 2008) its more than 7 months, so its usually large pack of updates, and 3-4 updates weekly now.

    If you want 3D interface – you have to use compiz, its supported for xfce, gnome and kde. I have used it for a while on my lappy (weak ATI card) but now i prefer simplicity, so even on my new desktop PC (Core2duo, 3 Gb ram, GeForce 9600) i use xfce and have all effects disabled.

    look for compiz in synaptic and for easyness – fusion-icon
    also emerald (if ubuntu has it)

  5. By the way, The Simpsons is my Fav. You download that cartoon or playing from DVD? heheheheh cut… I haven’t since that episode.

  6. I undertstand that XFCE allows drop shadow window like Vista. Did you have it? or you were not using NVIDIA card?

    I use the Update Manager 2 days ago and there were not less than 219 updates. Impressive!

  7. perhaps you havent set capture devices properly, use mixer and multimedia settings applet

    i dont use anything but perhaps you can use synaptic (its a packages manager, you can find it in administration menu) and search for software using keywords, its easy ) You’ll like it

  8. Ohh that’s easy 🙂 heheheh I thought about using Putty if can’t do with Terminal.

    I’m updating list to install Smplayer. 🙂

    Which sound recorder you are using? I try to record using the default recorder don’t seem to work. I must have miss certain setting but it’s should work right out of the box however that’s not the case.

  9. Yes, can run from terminal

    just type

    ssh -l < loginname > < servername >

    and you’re in

    or there is Putty as well too ) never used ) terminal goes fine

  10. for video player try to install smplayer
    or another alternative is vlc

    they are much better than the default (totem)