It’s definitely nice to have a TV and set top box at home. Subscribe to Astro and keep switching channel in the hope to find something interesting.

So we keep switching channels all day, we do nothing but keep switching channels all day long till the cow came home.

Still keep hoping something came out but found none, instead a better idea came out; watch every shows in between ads.

We keep switching channels.

2 responses to “TV makes you lazy”

  1. i dont watch TV, bad soap operas, evil news, stupid ads. not missing anyting of this. subscribing… i dont know, i doubt it worth it, almost same content with less ads. I am not much a movie fan.

    • I don’t watch TV and I have cancel my subscription for the learning programs for about a year now.

      I love good movies, I go to cinema to waste two hours of my life with my daughter and wife once or twice for pass 3 months.