Top 5 Most Annoying People

Especially on Monday Morning!

Grumpy Face
I am not so sure what drug they took last night but their face are sure as hell need a make over this morning!

No Manners
I specific want to touch on people who do not know how to reply when people greet them “Good Morning!” I greeted a lady boss this morning and the reply was “um”!

The right way to do it is, “Hey Hello! You look great today. How was your weekend?” with a SMILE.

Lack of Humor
Like many of you, I am in sales line. You need motivation to move the mountain on a daily basis. You would listen to a motivation recording or you can turn on a funny DJ on the radio to make you SMILE and feeling good for today.

The last thing you want to hear on earth is definitely not someone starting to insult the radio channel you listen to and tell you that these DJ’s annoying!

You know there are some people who had this temper tantrum problem? These people seriously need to listen to MC Hammer “can’t touch this” to dance and be cool and chill!

I pity some people have to go through this on a daily basis. I am sure you’re actually silently holding your breath under the water so that you will not do anything silly. Especially if that person was related to someone you love?

I said this before and I said it again. To me, the younger generation these day have forgotten their manners. They forgot to respect the elders and the seniors around them.

I remember when I was young, I accidentally splashed the water at my grandfather after I clean my hand. He was so mad that I didn’t apologies to him. I got scolded by my grandmother and he(grandfather) ignore me for whole day until I apologies to him. I was 4 or 5 years old and I remember the incident as a life lesson, respect your elders and senior people!

Basically, You can’t go around and throw your tantrum at anybody as you go, as you like. To show who’s the boss?

Until you learn how to respect others, You won’t know how to respect yourself! You will keep on doing something that will destroy your own image for the rest of your life.

Thank you
I don’t understand there’s still lot of people being so selfish with their Thank You! Say Thank You all the times, at all times even on a bad times! People will thank you for that!

My Thought
We are not perfect! (Even Steve Job’s admit iPhone 4 is not perfect and all the smart phone in the world is not perfect! Okay, that’s beside the point)

The point is We Can Make others Happy to Make Ourselves Happy!

If you have an issues and the issues is not about life and death, you can always wear a SMILE on your face and it will make your day.

Lastly, You Need to Believe in Something to Make Something Work Positively.

16 responses to “Top 5 Most Annoying People”

  1. OMG! I hate people with no manners, esp guys.
    I also hate guys who arent gentlemens. I recently met this one guy and my friends came to pick me up, and this guy was in the front passenger seat and the car is a two door car and basically what he did was sit in his chair WITH THE SEATBELT STILL ON and just lifted the seat up and made me crawl under the seatbelt to get in. Would it have killed u to get out of the car so I can get in? or at least take teh seatbelt off!! and to top it off when he got out of the car he didn’t even lift the seat up for me to get out. UGH!!

    • Your friend is such a jerk! Okay I said it. I think its not nice to do that to just about anyone.

      I feel bad for you! Why can’t he just got out of the car and let you in?

      This guy has no respect for anyone, please stay far away from them.

      I don’t think your friend being nice too. He should have asked him to respect you.

      I despise people who treat anyone, especially women like trash.

      Thanks for sharing Anh.


  2. I never been to Japan, but South Koreans are not always polite in public. There’s a general rule that for example all people are always right and can do whatever they want. I saw in the subway, they don’t stand and wait that some young person stands up, they go to the person and try to sit, so the young person will stand up. I’ve been pushed aside few times as if it’s very normal. And in Seoul, it is. Another thing is when you meet someone officially or personally, then Koreans are very polite indeed. In their society everything is top down and the Confucian way would not always be positive to me, especially if the young person is right and the old not, that would make a society stagnant. Also Koreans have a weird man/woman relations. But that’s luckily changing in recent years. For me, young Koreans seem more polite, because that’s what they’re taught. I wonder how will these be in 50 years, haha. 😛

    • That’s something interesting about South Koreans!

      I’m not sure what your take on about Japan but I think you really need to gives Tokyo a visit at least once. Frankly speaking I learn a lot about discipline attitude there. I am so impress! (I think I should take my free time one of these day to write about their public manners and discipline through my few days observation)

      I don’t like the idea “the young is right the old is not” in fact I like to learn from the elder or the seniors and make it a better one for our future. Right? 🙂

      They have man/women relationship weirdness? Hahahha in fact when I watch the Korean drama it gives me the impression that women is still a low class and the guy always speak very rudely to the women!? Is that what you’re referring to? Ahahha

      Thanks for your follow up reply bro!

  3. Good points, sometime I meet some rude people, I’d guess they didn’t be taught well at the manner part.

    I think manner should be taught and influenced unobtrusively and imperceptibly. If I meet naughty kids, I would watch their parents, and usually can get the conclusion that the parents don’t pay any attention on the manner teaching, so no wonder.

    • Lily,

      hahaha why in the world we thought the same? actually every time I saw the young have a very bad manners I normally would observe their parents too.

      I think we can’t help it, children needs guidelines – it’s very general to pin point the parents in this sense. and as a parents, we play a very important roles to shape our children toward the better future.

      Than again, we are born into this cruel world and parents sometime just too handful to be there for their children especial if they have lot of kids.

      I was the elders in the family and I have 8 sibling and I know when I said parents are just too handful.

      I am very very strict and a no non sense person in my family.

      So there you have it… you learn one more thing about me hahahaha

  4. @Nino 🙂 Hello!

    Your story with the Korean guy really interesting! I would totally do that too! that’s cool! But do you see they bow to each other on a daily basis on the street? wondering about that… But Korea and Japan are two countries I know of that have a very good public impression and manners!

    In fact both countries had a big influence on Confucius teaching. I know this is weird but I like the Confucius teaching… it’s teaches people to be polite, respect the elders and love! Every chapters of Confucius is deep! I would die reading it but from the people who learn it they would tell me the stories in the book and it was such a great motivational and respect.

    (p/s Lot of people confused between Confucius and Communist)

    Thanks for the comment 🙂 Cheers!

    @Lily hello *hugs*

    I understand how you feel. don’t feel bad… actually sometime it’s good to auto mute your ear and imagine you are seeing them from a vacuum. it’s fun, try it! Okay, im BS hahahaha

    Hey you have a nice day 🙂 thanks for your comment. Cheers!

  5. Good list, Netster! I agree with these. I don’t know why people go out of their way to be grumpy and rude and without manners. It is just as easy to be pleasant as it is unpleasant, and it makes you and everyone around you feel so much better when you have a positive attitude.

    • Hello Daisy!

      That’s right! It’s as easy to be happy… just think about happy thought… or makes more friends! or stay close with positive minded people like all the commenter here 😀 😀 and you will have a brighter day… each day, every day!

      well at least just try instead of… on a daily basis making others feeling uncomfortable with our well being.

      Talk about staying close with positive minded people… I have “unfollow” few people on twitter because they talk about their negative feeling all the time. I couldn’t take it. I feel sorry for them! I should have ask them if they needed any help.. maybe I can help?

      Thank you for your comment Daisy! You have a great night 😀

  6. @Netster, you charmeur, you gentleman from the old school, haha. Stilettogirl will allow you to see her stiletto collection, lol 😛

    Very good post, bro! I agree 100% with you! Manners are something that are very important to me. Like when I first came to Seoul, Lily booked a Korean home stay for me. When I finally found it, the owner, a young handsome guy, a bit drunk from soju I guess, asked me to sit down in the living room and explained everything to me about the rules of living in his house. Suddenly his father passed buy, an old Korean uncle and smiled to me. I naturally stood up and bowed. And he bowed back, haha. That was so cool. It was a reflex and due to me watching too many Korean movies, haha. But I always try to be polite in the ways of the particular culture I am 🙂

  7. i totally agree with the thank you part. esp back home in kch.

    i wonder what exactly must be going through some ppl’s mind when i say thank you when i go out shopping (like the salesgirls as such) cuz they usually stared at me like i’m some kind of an alien.


    • Hello there! Good to see you 🙂

      Maybe you become angmo Lang liao eh? Hahahhahaha

      I think they must have been so speechless by your beauty and charm!

      Can’t blame them 🙂

  8. aye, simple things, but yet need to remind them for others and even for myself .. sometimes )
    and.. Thank You )

    • Hahhahaha that was so honest of you! I love you! Hahhahaha


      Thank you for your “making my day” comment!

      Was smiling all the way 🙂