Thick Toast and Pok Piah

Breakfast in Kuching with Thick Toast and Popiah Abel Road Kuching

It’s morning again! Here a new Breakfast post 🙂 from my WordPress for BlackBerry which I struggle with the add media function.

Again, start your day and order your foods with coffee. make sure your coffee on your table first before the rest of the food. Start your day with Borneo coffee! 🙂 not more than 2 cups a day please.

This is the Thick Toast. Normally I love peanut butter. Not sure why my appetite tell me this one is just so so today

and this is Pok Piah. I prefer the one in 3rd miles. This one is too dry and NOT yummy!

So guys, as you can see, this may look delicious but today my breakfast kinda ruin! hahahaha
see you on my next Breakfast post! (again, if you see no Breakfast Post that’s mean I’m not breakfasting! weeeeeee)

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

18 responses to “Thick Toast and Pok Piah”

  1. Happened to see this Skippy Peanut Butter advertisement and find it is relevant to the breakfast we were having with Netstar

    Happy eating

    A peanut butter sandwich is a nutritious, easy-to-prepare breakfast that kids love and your entire family will enjoy.
    Information provided by Skippy Peanut Butter

    Healthy, nutty peanut butter

    Peanut butter was first introduced in 1890 by a physician who wanted to feed his patients with a nutritious, protein substitute that was easy to digest.

    A good and nourishing breakfast is important for school-going children and working adults. Research has shown that going to work and to school with a filled stomach helps people to focus and pay attention, which could help them fair better at work or in their studies.

    Skippy Peanut Butter makes a great choice for breakfast – it gives you an energy boost to kick-start your day and protein, vitamins and minerals that are vital for your health.

    Peanuts are a good source of protein, folate (a B-vitamin) niacin, phosphorus and magnesium. These are necessary in your children’s physical growth and mental development.

    A 500gm jar of Skippy Peanut Butter Creamy contains around 800 premium grade shelled peanuts.

    Skippy Peanut Butter contains no cholesterol and is high in mono-unsaturated fat (good fat). This reduces the risk of heart diseases. Niacin (Vitamin B3) in peanut butter can help to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL). Studies have shown that a diet inclusive of peanut butter may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Skippy Peanut Butter is also a source of dietary fibre, which is often lacking in the typical Singaporean diet. Adequate dietary fibre helps to support bowel movements and helps to reduce risks of colon-related diseases.

    Peanut butter is also relatively low in sugar content, at the same time providing you with the health benefits of peanuts, making it the more nutritious choice.

    • VEry informative! I always thought peanut butter makes my bad cholesterol goes up the chart. I guess I am wrong. Thanks for sharing.

      • U mean Old Town White Coffee I saw them in big town in Malaysia There a few outlets here in my country One lady was dining in the cafe and ask for a glass or cup of hot plain water and they charged her for one dollar ………. and it was news in the local paper..
        Being a budget person I read the signboard without paying even a single cent and I move on………………..

        • LOL so you don’t pay for a plain water eh? I think they are evil charging for the plain water.

          In Kuching, some coffee shop charging, some don’t, normally it’s cost 20 – 30 cents.

          Thanks for taking to comment Ms. Town 🙂 ((hugs))

  2. There is something similar to Pok Piah in Taiwan, but don’t know the name. I like to eat sometimes, because it’s very cheap and yummy. That coffee is so dark ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ I need my coffee milky and a bit sweet, if not I can’t swallow it 😛

    • ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ <--- Nino... The coffee is just so so... I like my coffee to be milky or not milky so long it does not taste bitter. KL's coffee style is even more darker! I think Batu Pahat and Kuching style may have some similarity. Actually the famous one in Kuching is not coffee, its was actually the 3 layered Teh C Peng. Next time I should it, I don't take cold drink in the morning 🙂

  3. I dont like the Penang version whereby the hawker pour a little bit of the mangkuan soup over the Popiah My popiah skin should be firm and dry on the outside but the mangkuan inside should be a little moist. I like to do my own way and this version cannot be found any where in the world

    When I was in Malacca and was walking down the street on a cool evening, I bought one piece of Popiah from this push cart hawker He adds a spoonful of dried crispy minced lard onto the mangkuan and wrap up the popiah I told him that after eating his popiah I might die of heart attack He replied that I will die a satisfactory death because his popiah is the best in the whole world

    What Rubbish………….. Anyway I am still alive because I took only a half portion and the other half I fed my husband

    • Ms. Town, I laugh so loud this afternoon when I read this comment, in fact, so loud that my stomach hurt! (I was inside Parkson buying underwear hahahah) didn’t get a chance to reply to say how much I love your comment.

      you really make my day!

      I know one thing for so sure, I LOVE YOUR Popiah!

      Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

      p/s I think I have read your comment for 5 times and I still laugh… I haven’t read a funny comment for a long time! love you!

  4. Popiah is another of my favourite dish I prefer my own addition with a leaf of lettuce wrap under the popiah skin and fresh minced garlic.

    • Hello Ms. Town,

      Thank you so much for your comments. This Popiah (thanks for the word “Popiah”) taste so dry! I need more veggies in it.

      Yours sounds delicious! I love lettuce! I love the Mangkuan too. Yummy!

    • Stephy! ummm I love your name! sounds very darling hahahahaha

      I cut down a lot of peanut butter! I went for medical check in Jan and the doctor said I got too much of bad cholesterol (I suspect bad peanut butter and bread! I ate those night time :p ). No coffee? but I bring tea and sometime chrysanthemum in a cute bottle with hot bowled water.