What do you think? Can Samsung stop selling products in America and can Apple stop selling products in Korea to stop all the suing nonsense?

Once upon a time in Korea, Samsung greets “Hello America! I want to do business in your country” America say “okay!” with open arm has accepted the business proposal.

Once upon a time in the US, Apple greets “Hello Korea! I want to buy parts from you to build the next awesome phone that the world is going to want!”

Samsung replied “That’s awesome! What do you need? We give you everything for a fair price.”

So both companies get on to work, Samsung provides parts and Apple concentrate building the next big thing without worrying.

Hand in Hand

The world sees the explosion in 2007!

Samsung was happy for Apple, the more money Apple makes the more parts Apple will order.

Meanwhile, another American company in 2005 bought a software company that has built an Android since 2003.

Samsung decided that they have enough knowledge from Apple experience and took the open source Android and builds their first successful commercial Galaxy S in 2010.

Apple got angry and took action. Samsung got annoyed and fight back with American most intelligent lawyer.

The fight lasted for a long time and still on going. Meanwhile the company that distributes Android does nothing about anything except to distribute, Android domination continue to prosper. It is open source after all.

So what do you think? Maybe If we rewind everything back to the origin things would not be so terrible? Maybe Steve Jobs is right, Android is a stolen product?


(Feature Photo/logo taken from Wikipedia)

4 responses to “The Story of Samsung Vs Apple”

  1. You know I still believe the two companies would still be best of friend if only Android did not come into the picture. Although it is true Apple didn’t go suing Android but that doesn’t mean Android wasn’t the starting point of all this mess.

    I get it, people got greedy. Samsung got greedy, earning billions from Apple contract to supply parts and manufacturing. Later they hit jackpot with Samsung Galaxy and things just looking good! I mean we are talking about double cash cow business for Samsung here, one from Apple and the other from Android business.

    Can you imaging Samsung not only have the obligation to fulfil the contract with Apple, at the same time they manufacture hundreds of millions of Android phone and out of a sudden they become the main competitor to their own client?

    This is greedy and yet lucky for Samsung, Apple is just not in the right place. People are making billions copying the way how Apple do phone business during this decade.

    I also believe the reason why Steve Jobs was so angry and declared thermonuclear war on Android, simply because Google disrupt the phone business by copying the Microsoft business model in Windows distribution.

    Steve Jobs saw that big picture before everyone else, and he probably already knows these days would come, where the relationship between Apple and Samsung would be in deep shit. Samsung is an OEM company, you can’t stop an OEM company not to make Android phone.

  2. Well, I am still convinced, that Samsung should pay for stealing the design of the iPhone, but that’s about the Galaxy II. I wouldn’t drag new products into this, but both sides keep doing so. I don’t see Samsung as a victim here and I’m sure there’s a lot of behind the scenes stuff we don’t know about, that influences this issue. I just hope, that at one point those lawsuits become less important in the media, they are too blown up. But I would not dare to say patent lawsuits should stop, after all we need to have mechanisms, that punish copycats and innovation theft.

    • thats simple design, russian patent bureau refused to give patent for tablet design, because its very common, and phone design too.. Its like if someone will patent a wheel

      with Steve Jobs Apple was just doing better than competitors, now they start suing them.. Android tablets taking the market… start of the ending for apple? well.. they still 1st company in the world, but yesterdays their papers dropped significatly just because of news that Android will have +3% of the market this year

  3. Apple sues Samsung not because of Android, Apple has nothing to sue vs Android at the moment, they sue Samsung because of design and some other patents, anyway i dont think its right to patent obvious things.