The Iconicious of an iPad

IPad is Iconic
IPad is Iconic featuring Marilyn (Video has since been removed by Apple)

Amazing! In one short year Apple had sold more than 14.1 million units of iPad in 2010 with the current tablets market share of 90% according to Swtich to Mac.

Yesterday did a slight touch up on their welcome page and overall feels of their site. I like the spring-down menu bar which telling us they are happy because they made tons of money and they are dancing and promised to brings more awesome products.

The “slightly” dark grey background make the website look more presentable and brings more prosperity and you may have know that grey color can matches any color and they will always look good and elegant. I love grey t-shirt by the way.

I like to have an iPad in 2011 I’ll wait for my turn for the second version of iPad which dubbed iPad2.

14 responses to “The Iconicious of an iPad”

  1. Oh well.. since there is MARILYN Monroe, I’ll post another MARILYN then )

  2. I held the iPad and the iPhone in my hand and I was totally lost. Why should I tap with my fingertips on the screen? When I was in school and we had IT classes in 1996, I was taught that one needs to look into the screen and tap on the keyboards. I think Apple is messing with us. I know some of you have become iZombies, but you won’t turn me into one.. well.. not so fast anyway 😛 I may reconsider, if I start to make big moolah and can afford trips to places like Damai beach… shall see 🙂

    • “iZombies” ) Yes, i dont understand much too, i dont have anything from Apple, for me they just make good and well designed things, for somewhat too high prices, but i dont understand that iFever with iThings

    • The price is the only thing that put people off from buying it. I didn’t pick up iPhone because I felt it was too expensive for iZombies LOL

      Which I think I need to change that thought because every other phone are as expensive as iPhone these day.

      I agreed with you on one thing though… why are we tapping on a flat glass? I can not take the idea typing on a flat screen or glass too.

      hahahaha you’ve a good question but Steve Jobs thinks that’s the selling point!

      By tapping on it! He proof it right… see what Android, OS 2, Symbian and many more try to imitate? every one is scrambling to get a piece of their own tapping technology to work on the phone.

      While Apple have many successful story with their iPod Touch killing all other MP3 player in the market they decided to debut their first iPhone by borrowing the technology on their iPod Touch in Jan 9, 2007.

      The world live to see the born of touch devices and follow by the first real revolutionary tablets which before Apple, many died in natural death of their own touch invention.

      quite a story huh 😀 why I love Apple products and has become iZombie has a lot to do with the success story. I dote these success story because I share them with my team every day hahahahaha very inspiring 😀 it’s something worth to live to tell 😀