Yeah I received the prize today!

By Sea
By Sea πŸ™‚
Key Chain
Key Chain
Lunch Cooler

My Birthday
I thought I let you know what I get for my birthday as well πŸ™‚

Polo Black
Parker Pen
Parker Pen

7 responses to “The Golden Compass”

  1. Mcky,

    hehehhehe *shy* The perfume is nice πŸ™‚ The pen was given by my sister πŸ™‚ very nice pen hahahaha I think I take care of the pen much careful than the one I bought myself :p in fact, I don’t know where I put them already.

    Cheers & Hugs

  2. what a nice b’day present ya ~ quite costly but its a very good b’day present useable πŸ™‚

  3. _butt _butt
    I miss the place already… You know what? I may just blog a little about Japan tonight? how does that sound to you? hahahah muck!

    hehehehe Thanks πŸ™‚ muck!

    thank you πŸ™‚ hugs & muck!

    Cheers all.. a bit headache today.. just got back from work and really tired this short but long FEB! gosh! FEB is really a great month! (the opposite meaning :p)

  4. whoaaa.. nice birthday present you got there Netster πŸ™‚

    and I lurrvee your new header!!! πŸ˜€ *dream of flying to Japan*