The dark stars and revolution

I woke up with the clueless feeling today. The spirit that I once use to have was replace with the feeling of concern between life and death. I am not sure if this is the part where I beginning to learn the truth about life or finally understand it.

Not so long ago Days were such a beautiful routine but not today not last week not since 5 months ago. Life has changed. It was filled with dark stars, black holes. Along the way, I bump into momentary shinning stars but it was just for a little while… so quick that sometime I can’t feel its present. Sad, although at times I found myself questioning myself the same question over and over…

I think I walk alone but sometime there were these clown… they are not invited they tagged along uninvited. Sometime I find it interesting but sometime, I hope it was not to influence.

I saw once or twice the real thing. It’s reminded me of me. Days are nights and nights are days. Not knowing how and why.

Will it be shinning again? Let it be shine… and I’m waiting… will I ever hold it tight and never let go…

One response to “The dark stars and revolution”

  1. Hey there, Netster. Hang in there. Whatever is troubling you, it will probably pass. These things seem to go in circles it seems to me. We all have up and down days. Hope things are brighter for you soon.