Taking a Look Back

I think I better complete this tag before I’m off for my company trip. Olga at Olga, The Traveling Bra tag Julie at Julie’s blog and Julie Tag me! Sorry for taking a long time to do it. *giggling* for this tag, I am supposed to go through my archives and choose my 5 favorite posts about

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Myself
  4. Something I love and
  5. My choice.


I don’t really write about my family but hey this post is about my mom 🙂

100_2272.jpgMy mom really likes planting, she plants from fruit to flowers surround my house front porch and back yard. She likes it.

My mom, she is colorful, patience, hardworking, sweet, ask for nothing and she is 54 years old and me… I’m not married yet! hehehe I think my mom is expecting me to get married soonest possible. She married to my dad when she was just 20. I’m in my late 20, I guess the new generation delay their marriage for a bit far too long don’t you think so? (I’m trying to rationalize hehehe) Continue Reading »


Will miss you…


Check out this video at the end of the video was this short blooper! To me it is very nice, funny, happy Video… Some dude on YouTube commented it’s LAME. Yeah! Thanks man! at least I’ve got your attention LOL

Boulevard Hypermarket Kuching

Post embed with Boulevard Hypermarket Kuching Video

Boulevard Kuching

I spend my Christmas going back to Boulevard Kuching. I didn’t get the chance to window-shop the hypermarket the first time I go. Boulevard Hypermarket is really huge and I can see that Kuching peoples were so into it.

It’s been a week since it opening and the traffic is still a mess! Please do be considerate, don’t block the traffic If you planning to go there this weekend. Well, police traffic will be there to make sure you get the ticket hahahahaha.

Here’s what I think about the Boulevard Hypermarket Kuching Read the rest of this entry »

Something I love

I love computer! I think I did pretty good with this post.

Wow Affect!

Vista Home Premium

I would like to thank god for giving me the strength to be able to really buy a new system… amen! (LOL) I really do get my self a super new system! New and latest chipsets! Thank god for making my heart pumping over new technology, I just couldn’t help myself.

C2D tumb First, I got myself Core 2 Duo processor which is still very new in market with 65nm in technology (although Intel will soon launch 45nm next year or so). With this new processor I can do more now with my HTPC! According to Intel, these processors supports Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT)± and currently still in the development. This is going to be exciting.

Read the rest of this entry »

My Choice

To sleep now! It’s 2am! Wow… thanks for the tag Julie. But before I end… this is one of my highest hit pages! Jay Chou does help me with the best hits to my site ever! Thanks Jay! For you, Jay Chou Fans – he is making a world tour 2008 in KL “Jay World Tour 2008 – Malaysia” Get your ticket now! not cheap oh the ticket *smile*

My周杰倫 (jay Chou) New Album我很忙 On The Run

Post embed with 蒲公英的约定 jOyLyN’s Piano skills Video *hehehe*

Wow! My post on Jay Chou 然范特西/still Fantasy (Thanks McKy :) ) was almost 1 year old! Hahaha kidding me not, Jay is throwing one more new album. This album is still KickAss!

My周杰倫 (jay Chou) New Album我很忙 On The RunMy周杰倫 (jay Chou) New Album我很忙 On The RunI find it hilarious on some reviewers. Although they don’t really happy how this album turns up (They expecting more from Jay! So they, the reviewer get fucking frustrated) Read the rest of this entry »

I am tagging: (Taking a look back)
CurryEgg | tiffany | chelle | Airya Honey | LadyBird

Here are the rules:Go back through your archives and post the links to your five favorite blog posts that you’ve written. … but there is a catch: Link 1 must be about family. Link 2 must be about friends. Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are… what you’re all about. Link 4 must be about something you love. Link 5 can be anything you choose. I think this is a great way to circulate some of the great older posts everyone had written, return to a few great places in our memories and also learn a little something about ourselves and each other that we may not know. Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least TWO of the people you tag must be newer acquaintences so that you get to know each other better….and don’t forget to read the archive posts and leave comments!

7 responses to “Taking a Look Back”

  1. Unfortunately, that sounds like a typepad thing….I don’t think that there is anything I can do about that…..but I’ll look into it. I’ll think about turning the verification off….That would help!

  2. Julie,

    Hi Morning errr evening on your side hahahaha Yes, I do enjoy it and you see imagica already wanted to see how my mom look like hahahahah imagica is so cute!

    About your blog, the problem is on the “comment verification” this morning I tried 4 times to key in the verification code and it return with error message due to wrong keyword entered. The printed “alphabet” (usage of big letter/small letter) is very confusing at times. I actually tried 5 times before I get my comment posted on your side. There’s no wonder I saw my previous comment was not posted due to fails verification.


  3. Imagicaaaaaaaaaa!

    I love your name! Really sounds like Japanese name… you are not Japanese “la ho” ? hahahaha My mom photo ah? You want to see my mom ah? Umm Maybe next time I put I inform you aahhahahaha


  4. Thanks for doing the tag! I hope that you enjoyed doing it! P.S. Please let me know why it is difficult for you to comment on my blog? And is there anything I can do to help make it easier for you?