Sunday Morning

Listening to Taylor Swift on my iTunes. Feeling sleepy but was awakened by angry feeling. Small matters really, upset over my 99% downloading got disconnected and now I have to start all over again.

What a day… Sunday morning… The night is still young. Wondering what people do in the wee hour like this. Wondering news headlines will bring tomorrow for morning like this, things can turn out unimaginable.

I watch MJ’s Dangerous DVD before I lapse into REM and he is right! The suffering today, are the results of our children’s freedom and creativity being taken away from them! Like MJ I don’t have much memories of my childhood being fun. Most of my time spends on working to earn a living to help my parents. Most of the time, I tend to be more quiet and staying away from friends. I do not know where I belong.

Wee hour like this… the world imaginations start…


5 responses to “Sunday Morning”

    • Thank you Speedycat!!!! I am starting to pick up my momentum and though it hard not to feels sick about lot of thing I guess I’ll get by.

      Had a wonderful night last night, chatting with old friends and feels like in the school days momentary! Took few photos of laughing and apes act… feels like home!

      Take care Speedy!

  1. Netster, the world is not always a perfect place, that is for sure. If anything, it is a constant battle!

    I try to make sure that I “see” the blessings that surround me as well as the downfalls. My life too has been tubulant as of late … yet I strive to accomplish and make time for things I enjoy and love. Seems balance is the key.

    Wishing you peace, and sending a few smiles your way – Aunt Mabel sent me … (( wink wink )).

  2. Hey Daisy!

    It was a busy day today!

    early in the morning, I bought my mom to hospital for blood check up but it was full house at the hospital and I told my mom to go there again tomorrow morning.

    Than I went home, I bought my mom-in-law to Hospital. To two dif hospitals to be specific. again, the doctor delay the appointment to tomorrow.

    running in and out of hospital, that’s what I did the whole day.

    6pm went for paper exam. didn’t have time to study and I hope luck is on my side. The last time, I failed!

    Daisy, thank you for kee visiting & commeting! {{ hug hug }}

  3. Hey there, Netster. It is funny how your imagination can run away with you during the wee hours, isn’t it.

    I hope you are having a good week! Hugs from Daisy! 🙂