Steve Jobs Died

This is the news you wish it’s not real

I am still speechless and in disbelief.

I was driving when I heard the news from the radio, Steve Jobs passing makes me speechless. By my side was my wife who is also confused and question the news accuracy. I quickly check my twitter and it was 5min into timeline with all the condolences and news about the death.

It is now clear, Steve Jobs is no longer with us.

I felt terrible and lost.

It doesn’t matter whether you like him or hate him, you just cannot deny he change us. He changes the technology industry, he changes the way we interact with computer & gadgets, his influence changes everything in this generation.

I love his philosophy, his arts, his thinking, his ego, his everything that makes people hate his guts. His showmanship, he is my model of a great sales guru.

He is the product!

I have never seen a powerful and exciting CEO on stage such as Steve Jobs. He is genuine and he never fails to delight people with his products presentation.

He loves his work, he worships his work. His spiritual believe and conviction makes Apple one of the world most successful company in the century.

Today We have lost the visionary man in our time let cherish and celebrate the life of the man, Steve Jobs.

Rest in peace, Steve!

Celebrate Steve Jobs Coverage


4 responses to “Steve Jobs Died”

  1. Found out the news when [SK] posted a comment in my latest entry early in the morning. Sad but have to accept the fact. Apple may not be the same any more and a great lost to the world. RIP Steve Jobs.

  2. Very sad news, isn’t it, Netster. He definitely changed the world during his time here. Wouldn’t it be something if everyone contributed so much.

    • Truly Daisy! I wishes he didn’t have to go so fast but god loves him more.

      My iPhone 4, my Macbook and my iPad 2 would be the products I will cherish for life because he invented it and I’ll take good care of it – it’s the products that was invented by Apple when Steve jobs is still alive.

      After this – Apple products would never be the same any more. His legacy live on but his personal touch on his invention is something that we will miss forever.

      Thank you for your comment Daisy.