Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson are now available in Kuching

– get yours at Popular Bookstore Kuching. Selling at RM99.99 customer with Popular Bookstore membership card will get a 30% discount.

Following Steve Jobs’ demise on 5th October 2011, Steve Jobs biography preorder jump 41,800% on according to TNW. In Kuching however, Popular Bookstore display the iconic book at a corner instead of the front counter in the biggest store in Kuching.

I am so excited – I bought Steve Jobs biography today from Popular Bookstore Kuching – I will one day visit Steve Jobs’ tomb with this book and take at least one photo.

What I hope to find in the book

Firing Steve Jobs

I like to know more about John Sculley and the board members who decided that firing Steve Jobs is the right decision – I don’t think they can sleep well by firing the co founder of Apple and not to think about it today – the feeling must be unbearable – How can you not feeling even slight guilty? when the success of Apple today owe it to the men they fired long time ago.

The Board must have some very solid reason to fire Steve Jobs and I like to learn if that was even necessary and on what principle. Many top management make the same mistake, we can only learn and move on.

iPhone iPad Mac

These are the products I use on a daily basis. I need to know the origin and what’s in his mind during the making. These information is priceless probably only known to his closest buddy until now.

A ship that Leaks from the top

The philosophy of every successful people is priceless – Steve Jobs loves his creation like an art. I like how he challenge and swear that Microsoft has no taste! Steve Jobs live by his own code and he do what he do he gets what he want.

I am exhilarated, I am going to enjoy this book.


6 responses to “Steve Jobs Biography – Popular Bookstore Kuching”

  1. Bananaz share something in common with SJ the round specs but mine got a frame and been searching hard for donkey years still unable to find another perfectly round frame. Perhaps would follow SJ’s round and frame less. Got the inspiration from Gandhi & John Lennon and been wearing it since 1994, yes 17 long years already. Kinda strange to be sacked when you are the co-founder, but that was a blessing in disguise otherwise there is no iPad, iPhone and iBananaz, oops not supposed to reveal Apple’s latest here hahaha. Heard from Bloomberg last night iTV is coming up very soon. Another killer like iTune/iPod in the entertainment arena? Yet to be watched.

    • I kinda like the round specs already – clearly its a bad influence hahaha. Harry Potter use the same one as well. If you see the Apple Think Different commercial – lot of round specs too.

      I will go find one with round specs!!!

      iTV(or whatever name that may come) heard about it for a while but you know Apple – they know how to make every one go gaga than suddenly it was not on the street hahaha

  2. why ‘exactly this’ photo is so popular?
    honestly speaking its a bit annoyed to see it everytime and everywhere, does SJ have another pics of himself ? )