SOPA PIPA Wiki Blackout — Mac Users are Safe!

SOPA PIPA Wiki Blackout but Mac Users Can Continue Using Via Dictionary.

It’s a blackout day today on the Internet in response to SOPA/PIPA – Wikipedia decided to shutting down its English site for 24 hours. Internet users outside the US may not think it important – however if this bill gets approval it’s in fact effect Internet users as a whole. Learn more about SOPA/PIPA from Wikipedia.


Others join the blackout include WordPress, Google and many more…




Mac Users – You can still use Wiki as per Normal

Beside using Google Cache Mac users can still Dictionary to excess Wiki.

4 responses to “SOPA PIPA Wiki Blackout — Mac Users are Safe!”

  1. We must anti SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and Protect IP (PIPA). They want to destroy Google, Facebook, Twitter, Hulu and Blog also. We’ll lost more than 70% website/blog around the WorldWideWeb! Join Us to Anti SOPA and PIPA!

  2. most sites use javascript to blackout, they can be viewed with JS disabled
    Mac seem has own app (mini browser) for Wikipedia? it doesnt run scripts, i bet

    However web looks ugly without scripts, but Wikipedia’s layout is simple enough and is not broken at all without JS

    • The build in dictionary is ads free and handy. Mac have one of these apps for – maybe since the start of Mac OS X or maybe early.

      Not available on iOS though.

      • strange, because iOS has webkit too, creating a lightweight wrapper over webkit is not that hard, … maybe marketing issues?