Should you buy the iPhone 4S?

Should you buy the iPhone 4S?

23 hours ago, dozens of tech media reported that preorders for Apple’s iPhone 4S top 1 million on the first day – besting iPhone 4 last year record of 600,000.

When Apple announced iPhone 4S on 4th October – many got disappointed – blame it on the media for creating the sensation on iPhone 5 for the pass 16 months – never, not one expert have ever seen the real thing except the rumors – the suppose leaked case was of that iPhone 5.

So the big question – should you buy iPhone 4S or wait for the next version next year?

In fact Apple rivals is asking the same question – how did iPhone 4S got a million preorder within 24 hours. They tried very hard to convince the market that their products has better specs, bigger screen, faster processor and higher RAM – still the results was no way gaining the Apple momentums.

I am not an expert, I am not giving you a solution to the question – am just questioning the fact. The one thing I learn from master motivator like Zig – People don’t buy your product to support you – people buy your product because they see values in the product – they see it as a solution and perhaps in this case – satisfaction, arts, and appreciation.

That’s what make people buy – that’s what makes you buy.

You may have already seen “Think Different” ads by Apple. My personal favorite is the one narrated by Steve Jobs.

Perhaps in the following video – Steve Jobs talking about branding and thinking different will shade some light as to why – Apple products just work – the real reason why people buy.


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8 responses to “Should you buy the iPhone 4S?”

  1. Here is what I know about Apple … nothing! BUT, I did make the switch to smart phones – it was like pulling teeth to get my old LG out of my pocket 😉

    Hi Net !!

  2. Love your ziggling quote “People don’t buy your product to support you — people buy your product because they see values in the product –” Xie xie

    • I wish I seen Zig in real 🙂 if i were given a change to hug and shake iconic figures’ hand – I would really want to meet Steve Jobs (i’ll visit the tomb one day), ziglar and Obama. 🙂