Welcome to the first edition of  “Shit People Complain About…” The truth is painful, hard to swallow and sometimes provocative. New service and product needs complain, maybe more like roses need the rain. Here’s your top three shit people complain about… Maxis LTE.

No Coverage

To Maxis, It’s a BAU. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so is LTE. To Users, it’s simply not good enough. Why can’t we get the service nationwide? Not available even in the prime area says “Golden Triangle”? Some even still complain about 3G coverage, first world problem or a fact that Malaysia have too much red tape to move forward?




“LTE is a new service and did not come with a handbook” So what is LTE? Which Smartphone supported LTE in Malaysia? Do Maxis really have LTE? Do you need to change Simcard?




Speed Sucks!

Celcom and Digi users pissing at their carrier

Users from competitors like Digi and Celcom are banging on the door, curious about the LTE launching date. Jealously clouded the mind of a fragile soul will definitely piss off and threaten to jump ship.




I like how Barisan National loves LTE

BN Loves LTE