As you know I have switched to 120GB Intel SSD 330 series last month. I was all excited. Installing SSD also give me the opportunity to learn about TRIM and now I’ll learn even more. I think I am now meeting TRIM in person, the dark side TRIM brings to the SSD is freaking annoying.

I have installed TRIM Enabler by Cindori and Mac system report confirmed TRIM is enabled.

MacBook System Report - TRIM Support
MacBook System Report – TRIM Support; Yes

What’s wrong?

It looks like my happiness is about to end. I use less than 40GB of space but the system report shows I only left 43GB of available space and that’s freaking sucks!

iStat Menu Report
iStat Menu Report

That’s what TRIM do, communicate between system and SSD. A deleted file or retired block is free for storage/use. I am now having a big problem. My SSD is basically brain dead and chocked Itself to death with data.

I have no idea if this is something to do with OSX or TRIM Enabler. By default, Apple doesn’t allow you to use third party SSD, they disable the TRIM feature. I can only hope that my email to Cindori would help me when they release a new update.

If you happen to have the fix, please do let me know by leaving a comment below of email me at email

7 responses to “Screw it lah! TRIM is not working”

  1. Have you solved the problem?

    I ve found that there is another disk space hog in MacOSX, you may wish to check it out:

    time machine may create excess local backups in

    this service behavior can be disabled with
    # sudo tmutil disablelocal

    ofc if you have a remote backups in the cloud, you can safely disable local

    • I have solved the issue by not solving. LOL. It seems to be a bug in OS X that fail to show the correct capacity information. It went away after the OS X updates. I have contacted the TRIM developer, we exchange some emails, but obviously the problem is not caused by TRIM 😀

  2. Hi Thomas!

    Good to know you have a fantastic experience with SSD on Windows.

    I’m still looking for info online. Hopefully something came up other wise I would have to reformat and reinstall my Mac.

  3. Hi Jong

    Sorry hear about your issues with your new SSD drive. I don’t have much experience with Mac, but I really SSD. I have a 120 GB Corsair running Windows 7 and it runs fantastic.