Sarawak Sabah Threat of Orangutan extinction

List of orangutans in Semongok wildlife rehabilitation centre

Malaysia particularly in Sarawak and Sabah maybe in the threat of Orangutan extinction if we don’t act quickly to educate and preserve the forest to protect the habitat of the many living creatures in this beautiful Borneo island.

Malaysia is merging as one of the leading biofuel producer and aim to be the largest biofuel plant in the world – already making every effort to have at least 5% palm oil substance in every diesel sold in this country. While development of biodiesel may leave us less dependent on petrol but something else has got to give to make way for the new – in this case the habitat of Orangutan and all the living creature.

orangutan - Semenggoh wildlife rehabilitation centre

Cut down trees and grows palm oil trees may seem to be a noble thing – maybe seen as keeping the green while harvesting the natural resources. No one knows the long term side effect to the environment with palm oil trees but one thing we know for sure Orangutan is losing their habitat to call home. A land filled with palm oil trees is not a forest – these agricultural kills everything our mother nature builds for these living creatures.

I am sure there are better way for the people in Malaysia and the world to handle this disaster before it is too late to be saved.



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8 responses to “Sarawak Sabah Threat of Orangutan extinction”

  1. Thank you speedy and by visiting my blog you may only left few hours to sleep. I hope you have enough sleep!

    I agreed with you speedy! we have become a burden to the planet. I went visiting wind cave today, only to find it was not open so can’t share photo today 🙂

    I just go around snapping photos so my kids in the future can still see… from photos hahahaha

    you have a great day!

  2. You know Netster, it seems that we as people have really become quite a burden on the planet. As our numbers grow, the populations of animals will decrece with an inverted rate. Posts like this, and helping to spread information is a good way of battling the harms done to indigeonous habitats.

    It’s been great seeing you on twitter …. thought I would stop by your blog before going to bed. See you on the net – take care my friend. Great post !!

  3. dino’s gone because of nature cataclysms, now the humans are the cataclysm for the nature

  4. Hello Drowsey,

    Nice to see you here 🙂 hugs


    I couldn’t agree more. when this living things extinct it would be something we can never show to our children in the future. Much like dinosaurs today, we can only see the skeleton, imagination and theory.

  5. the biofuel cant take much on the market, its production is low, it costs more than petrol. Its more about politics… and it costs a lot to nature. Hydrogenization of coal is cheaper and cleaner process to produce gazoline. The worst is to destroy forest areas to make such a fuel. Sadly the orang utan’s are not only the sole species that are treated by extinction, there are many more species, plants, insects, animals, birds, fishes etc.., except those whom we take as parazitive (rats, mosquitos, domestic cockroaches). Maybe after 20 years (for example) pass there will be no more animals in the wild… at all…

  6. YEs dear I change my face hahahahaha look much better I think 😉 how are you? you have change your theme too I see 🙂 nice one

    I guess we are just not done enough right 🙂 in my opinion the government has to lead by example and people will follow to appreciate these animal. most people would just wait and see or wait for other to do it.

    thanks for stopping by, I love company 🙂 hehehehe

  7. changed your template! 🙂

    many efforts been done, just gotta keep trying and keep pushing more efforts on the way, hopefully the kids in future will live to see not only the orang-utans but also other animals on the verge of extinction now.