Salted duck egg

Exotic food in Kuching with salted duck eggs

Salted duck egg was my favorite and it reminds me how hard my dad work to support nine of us until his last breath. Every bit and pieces of this salty duck egg has it own story of hardship.

Never the less, salted duck egg could be one of the best preserved food products in Chinese history.

Salted Duck Egg

15 responses to “Salted duck egg”

  1. Mango,

    Thank you for your visit. Yes, the salted egg can be a chicken egg too 🙂 It’s taste really nice with white rice, right? ohh I’m so loving it!

    Cheers & Hello North Africa! 🙂

  2. I’ve eaten this salted eggs but it wasn’t duck’s egg it was chicken’s egg. i remember it so being delicious with white rice wayback when i was in Asia. Now that I’m in North Africa I have to just take a long look at your Blog once in a while.Thanx!

  3. Emila

    Yummy Yummy! hiah Nasi Kerabu serve with Salted eggs? thats the first I heard! You have a nice weekend emila 🙂

  4. yLva,

    You like salted fish or not? How about salted fruit hahahahaha long time no see you *hugs*


    This goes to show that we all love salted duck egg! Hahahaha anyway, you didn’t visit me because you forgot me already lo… bad bad hahahaha


    The traditional way the salted egg was preserved was soak the eggs in damp salted charcoal. I’m not sure it will be soak for how long, maybe until the charcoal was dry and for at least more than a week. The traditional Chinese would store this eggs (with the black charcoal wrapped around the eggs) in a big porcelain jar.

    Your uncle Butch sure a loving kind person and know how to make every one feels at home! (You are missing the sweet moment, didn’t you? Hahaha sweet!)

    This reply comes in late, I hope by now your “cruppy” feeling has gone 😉

    I might have something interesting to post in a day or 2 if I’m not pretty tied up with things. See you my friend!


    It taste delicious too 🙂 hug hug


    Later you become fat, how leh? Hahahahaha… but you sure good a nice and loving person 😉


    Long time no see ohh, hope you are well and happy! Watch any movie lately? 🙂


    You never seen one? Actually the yolks were the best part of this salted duck egg! (That’s the reason why JenJen tried to steal it from me hahahah) surprise! The yellow yolk is not salty but the albumen(white) part will.

    I would guess that china town should have these salted duck eggs! You should buy few and boil it (well cooked)! Normally we ate salted eggs with white rice or porridge. In Malaysia, all the major hotels will prepare salted duck eggs with porridge for breakfast, in case you are coming to Malaysia, remember to try it in Malaysian way 😉 (don’t worry, those hotels do have western foods)



    Come let’s share share, want? Hahahahah *hugs*

  5. I liked salted eggs too, well, the yolk part la haha. the white tasted a little too salty sometimes…

    have a good weekend! 😀

  6. Netster,
    I am very good to you mar..egg yolk not good for health mar, high cholestrol. So, I sacrifice myself and eat on your behalf lar…good or not???

  7. Netster, I have never had a duck egg, or anything duck! I guess America is so chicken driven …. chickens driving cars (how silly)

    Is the “Salted Egg” a way of preserving the food, or the preparation technique?

    Nine kids? Wow! My family has only 2 boys. There was one relative in our extended family with 9 children. When we went to their house for visits years ago, I remember how much fun we had because there were just so many kids …. so much to share, see, and do. My Uncle Butch would always give us a ride on his mini bike before leaving … even though the only place you could ride was the narrow strip of grass between their house and the nieghbors house.

    I am home sick one more day. Ishhhhh!!!! Tired of feeling cruppy. (I made that word up) 🙂

    See you at the next blog, my friend!

  8. Hello netster! Thank for visiting my blog again.. Sorry for didnt visit your blog lately… 🙁
    But hey! todays topic is about salted egg? yum yum… my favourite… ;D

  9. JenJen,

    got ah… on the right side ne…. no wonder “very the no user” use my shout box 😛 it didn’t display on your browser? than I need to change the name or just put back the online chatbox liao

    wah.. you so bad ask me to eat the white one 😛

  10. Hi Netster,
    I just realised that ur blog do not have chatbox. So this mean that I must comment in the posting’s comment section?

    Very nice salted eggs pic but I only like to eat the yolk! Can I eat the salted egg yolk and you eat the white part! bluek!!!