Kuchingite, iPhone 5 is coming to town soon! Did Santa decide to land on Borneo first this year?

I need a birthday present for the beloved wife, will iPhone 5 be the candidate?

Only if the rumors I heard is true, we all will be in luck to get our shiny new iPhone 5 this month and cut the December waiting queue as per Apple iPhone 5 release schedules.

Speaking to a close contact who is familiar with the product training/briefing, there will be a training/briefing this coming week in Sabah Sarawak.

When prompted further if this is an iPhone 5 training/briefing, the sources remain tied lips.

‘Double down’ on secrecy?

If you thought a tiny places like Kuching where the communities are more friendly and normally just let out all the juicy gossip, you may be right, but for Apple products, no luck.

Obviously iPhone 5 will come to Malaysia (question is when?) and we will all get it the same time same day. 1Malaysia!