Repulse Bay Hong Kong

Repulse Bay Hong Kong 浅水湾 – Photos taken last April. Hong Kong is one serious Feng Shui state, every way you go, you know it Feng Shui. You want a good Feng Shui you can consider a good mountain and sea below 🙂


13 responses to “Repulse Bay Hong Kong”

  1. OK..I apologize for procrastinating and felt terrible..(but been pretty down this year -physically) and honestly, I don’t know your wife’s name..I let that get in the way..stupid huh? Anyway, then..feeling sort of sheepish- I stayed away! Sorry..thank you for coming around!
    Now, just what does Feng Shui mean Nester? I really like the resort below a few posts in monochrome! Really sharp. Anyway..just wanted to touch basis with you and send some Aloha! Hope you are doing great- you and your wife! Blessings- and my best to you friend- Regina..

    • Hello My friend 🙂

      So sorry to hear that you are a bit under the weather. If you need any help please do ask ya.. I know I may not be a doctor but some of may know how to help 🙂

      Feng Shui, (these guy explain better than I do)

      It so good to see you … will visit your blog often.

      hugs and get well soon.

  2. Yes, a mountain with a sea below sounds like very good Feng Shui, Netster! Really neat pictures! (even if you did take away all my colors that I am addicted to–ha ha ha ha!) 😉 Have a good weekend, my friend.

    • hahahhahahah Daisy! I take your away your colorssssssssss… like take away your sunshine LOL… don’t worry.. I’ll put em back soon. Just for you 🙂


  3. Bro, awesome pics. Is the Repulse bay on Lantau island? I liked that island with the big Buddha. And the views were awesome 🙂

    • HI Bro, Not sure bro! I check back my paper it didn’t mention the place I’m visiting accept this one.

      I guess you’re right… 🙂 I might need to change it.

      Thanks bro

  4. hey you do keep updating! keep it up.
    and you take good photos too!
    I’m ending my semester (and 2nd year!) in uni now. hope to hear fr you!

    • Thanks man! All the best to your semester 🙂

      Once you’re finish schooling maybe you’re going to be a famous people… ermm let me know what can I help 🙂
