Philippine Original Cock Fighter

About this photo
This is one special cock from Philippine according to the breeder Mr. Bong. Until recently I learned that these birds which breed for only one purpose, fighting, was given vitamins every morning. B complex to be exact.

Philippine Original Cock Fighter

These birds bath like human too. Mr. Bong would make sure these birds are clean from all type of flea.

Another breeder Mr. Philip says his fighter cocks lives better than his family members. Every morning before he off to work he would caress his fighter cocks. Like Mr. Bong, Mr. Philip would shampoo and fed vitamins to his fighter cocks. Unlike Mr. Bong approaches with livestock vitamin he uses human’s vitamin instead. According to him birds are like human and you should take care of them much like human do.

Details of photo
I love this photo!  Click to enlarge for up close personal. Check the cock’s eyes you will love it.

This is a manual shot photo and so far I am very happy with this work. If you’re a photography guru please give me a jong! I mean your critics are very welcome.

25 responses to “Philippine Original Cock Fighter”

    • Daisy this video is not for the faint of heart hahahaha Here you go… (I’m out of topic hahahaha)


      At least this one is a dead monkey. The super gruesome one would be eating the monkey brains alive!

      • boiled brain, yuck!
        he should have fry it , so its more tasty, monkey brain is a favorite (and very expensive) food in Brasilia (if i’m not wrong)

        …. the cruel thing is that those natives are testing their arrow poison on their own kids!

    • eating brains can make own brains “melt”,
      see Kuru disease for example, or “Mad Cow” disease, transmitted via prions in brain tissues.

      • Testing arrow poison on their own kid? wow that even sick than eating monkey brain.

        Kuru Disease, never heard off. Mad Cow kills lot of human and I better stay away from this dreadful disease hahahahaha

        Stop eating monkey brain

        • Kuru disease is affecting small group of cannibal-natives in some forgotten place of this world, nobody heard about it until “Mad Cow”, they have similar roots, prions contained in brain that is eaten, develops very slowly, so its hard to know ifa person already has it or not …

  1. I don’t like the way these animals are used. I think it is such a cruel sport. Great picture, though, Netster!

    • Ohh don’t be too sad Daisy 😀 there’s lot of thing in this world are just cruel. e.g. eating monkey brain. Everytime I think of it… it’s makes me wanna says OMG…


  2. Of course this cock is very well taken care of coz its the 搖錢樹 yáo qián shù. [shake money tree..haha]. Think in Philippines its a legalized gambling sport. Dont worry Bananaz will never steal your cock~;).