This is the first tablets that running Android Honeycomb The price for this one in the US $600 – $799. So when it come to Malaysia say let’s wait for 9 month to 12 month… I guess by than iPad 2 or 3 is already out in the market. Malaysia price should be nothing below…
Mark the date for new shinny update from Microsoft Why do we update? I couldn’t find any other excuse why I should updates accept these one. Every one else is doing it Like roads users in Malaysia, whenever there’s an accident the road sure jammed! Being a proud Malaysian we should stand and stare and…
Totally Ridiculous and I am in denied Bloody hell that is a very bad thing to say about a person. I refused to believe that because I just spoke to Steve in my dreams last night! That is a joke but how can someone be looking at a butt of someone and says he is…
About this photo This is one special cock from Philippine according to the breeder Mr. Bong. Until recently I learned that these birds which breed for only one purpose, fighting, was given vitamins every morning. B complex to be exact. These birds bath like human too. Mr. Bong would make sure these birds are clean…
Android 3.0 Honeycomb on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Tab 2) look pretty cool and slick! Worth a jong when this unit is out in the wild together with Motorola Xoom. Since Apple introduce iPad original in 2010 – Tablets maker is pushing for dual core possessor faster than making new laptop, netbook and desktop. Seriously…