Apart from Apple TV new pricing and official availability of Apple Watch coming April, Apple also announced a new pricing and specs bump for 13″ MacBook Pro Retina display, 11″ MacBook Air and 13″ MacBook Air. 13″ MacBook Pro retina display The new 13″ MacBook Pro retina display starts at RM4499, RM5199 and RM6199. You…
Today is your lucky day! Apple has announced a new price for Apple TV that you have wanted to buy for so long! Maybe it’s time for you to get one now and light up your full HD TV in a meaningful new way. I have called Switch Kuching; both branches at the Spring and…
Watch Apple Live event. Will Malaysia gets Apple Watch? Will Apple announced new MacBook Air? Will the rest of the MacBook gets specs bump?
Am going to wait for new Apple TV. I almost wanted to get one and luckily Apple didn’t offer one day special event this year, otherwise, I would definitely have bought an Apple TV. I placed my order for RASPBERRY-PI-RPI2-MODB-8GB-NOOBS (MODEL B) with casing, both, cost only RM182.05. The lead-time for this order is 5-7…
The only think-different that I can see in the Galaxy S6 line up is the S6 Edge. That’s something interesting and people would want to get their hands on it and hopefully buy after testing it out. The rest is probably industrial copy; to be specific copying what Apple has done, like thumb print scanner,…