Two days ago I went to the newly open Shopping mall. Still brand new but soon there would be one more shopping mall coming out soon next year, middle of January hopefully. At last Kuching have some hope. httpv://
Welcome to my blog! If you happen to hit keywords on the search engine to know how to install your WordPress, I recommend you to read the README files from the installation. However I don’t mind to answer any question you might have. Hopefully I’ll be helpful to you ehem! *Smile* Finally, I’ve upgraded to…
I was driving… I thought to myself “Let’s make a video to close 2007 with something crazy!” For you guys & gals out there don’t try this on the road! Merry Christmas, enjoy and please feel free to critic. httpv:// Here’s what other say about me…. hahahaha 766 views awesome!!! (updated 6th Jan 2010)
I was checking around my blog to see what to improve I saw Hor Ny Ang Moh Visiting me again hahahah thanks dude but ain’t update anything yet… just the over night Eggs. Tomorrow I’m on leave! Yeah! Tonight I got to ready my coffee if not my bread with peanut butter! These will keep…
I have this heavy temptation for sci-fi & Fantasy movie genre. I couldn’t resist for any cartoon or CG movies either. If possible, I want to own it all in a DVD (or ermm maybe I should say HD-DVD/Blue Ray DVD). Sci-fi & Fantasy makes me wanna fly just like Peter Pan. Yes, I do…