Boulevard Kuching attracts thousands of people on the weekend. The locals are getting excited with more shops opening this week. The shopping mood in Kuching has changed ever since Boulevard opened its doors for business, and like in Boulevard Miri, Boulevard Kuching is the preferred choice.
I think I better complete this tag before I’m off for my company trip. Olga at Olga, The Traveling Bra tag Julie at Julie’s blog and Julie Tag me! Sorry for taking a long time to do it. *giggling* for this tag, I am supposed to go through my archives and choose my 5 favorite…
Did you join The Golden Compass contest run by AMBP on the December 13, 2007? I hope you did 😀 Every year before my birthday – good thing always come my way! Last year I won myself a Gold Coast Australia trip and this year I won a Lunch Cooler & Pewter Key Chain from AMBP.…
Welcome to a New Retail Beginning “The Spring Shopping Mall” in Kuching was the second (and the biggest) shopping mall in Kuching