I went to The Spring yesterday. I have been wanting to buy a new wallet for quite sometime but didn’t decided on any brand until yesterday. This wallet price at RM215 (USD62) and I only pay for it (exactly) RM32 (USD9). Collecting points, redeem gifts vouchers and pay for your goods. Not shabby at all. I have…
One thing I love about WordPress, if you have time to dig around you just might learn something new and have fun with it. Thanks to Silvy I have my mod_rewrite fixed and have my Pretty Permalinks working. Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as well as categories and other lists of…
This is my very first time, voting! Coming soon 8th March and as a first time voter, one word – confused
Yeah I received the prize today! My Birthday I thought I let you know what I get for my birthday as well 🙂