The graphic design for the movie poster is outstanding! The director is branching out into the non-horror genre with this film. Since this movie is all about dancing, I hope the people of Kuching can show off their moves! Check out their website when it is ready for more information about the movie. Happy watching!
“Creep” was, and in fact, the most played single and most jam single in studio in my time in 1993. I was still in secondary school and there I was with my band play no other songs but Creep *LOL* we were just bunch of wannabe but it was fun 🙂 really, really fun! “the…
Donuts in Kuching with Big Apple Donuts I read the history of donuts on Wiki – very inspiring and very mysterious at the same time. You may not know the origin of donuts but you can sure find people Q-ing up for donuts every where. Big Apple Donuts & Coffee photo taken in March 2008 @…
My precious! Damn, this card is expensive! My GeForce 8500GT stop working last month and I have no choice I need a card to power my HTPC while waiting for the warranty claim. Without much thought I bought a new card right there and than. I wonder if this is a marketing gimmick – You…
Breakfast in Kota Kinabalu with Century Eggs I have given you salted eggs from my previous post. Now, it’s time for another type of egg! It’s call Century egg. Century Eggs This egg is special. it’s almost black in color and almost transparent. If you find the color tasteless, you maybe right. I never like…
Welcome to Damai Puri Resort Kuching has many beautiful beaches Damai Puri Resort is one them. This newly renovated resort is now open for business. Damai Puri Resort & Spa Opening Promise open to public in Q3 2007, however it was delayed due to unfinished construction. httpv:// Damai Lagoon I like the name Damai Lagoon,…