Orchid Wallpaper

  1. Been very busy lately. I thought to write a thank you 2009 to my awesome bloggers but I don’t have time any more. I have few blogs post I couldn’t find time to write.
  2. Busy is good right? At least my income and 2011 are secured as per my planning. However, at this rate I may not be writing any more. I have to fix this problem!
  3. I hope all you out there stay healthy and exercise regularly, have fun! Always take time out with your family! Bonding is important, we may not live forever you know 🙂
  4. I like to reward my readers some freebie. I took lots of photos recently and I made some really awesome wallpaper and here one of my favorite!
  5. Please feel free to download it and use it on your desktop. It would be awesome! You can put it on your blog for others to download. A link back would be nice 🙂
  6. My screen shot, isn’t it awesome!?
  7. Have a great start of Monday! Good night!

Mac Screen Shot

16 responses to “Orchid Wallpaper”

  1. Great wallpaper, though I won’t be replacing mine anytime soon.

    I like to show off my wife’s photo on my laptop wallpaper, not because she’s pretty, but because I’m proud of her.
    .-= Shingo T´s last blog ..Random Notes 43 =-.

    • Good for you Shingo T! She must be very very happy to have a great husband like you! you’re awesome!

      Here something your wife would like to say to you :kiss
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Orchid Wallpaper =-.

    • Hello Manju!

      A quick Hello to you too! I will visit your blog once I got my time back sometime this weekend, been struggling between work and a very ill Mother in law now at the hospital.

      Today she doesnt look good at all… I hope things would be fine.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  2. Awww sucha pretty flower! 🙂 nice to see ur into photography too. Hmm, sometimes I turn my photographs into wallpapers too, but I usually do somethin lika collage of a few of my fave shots then use em. hee

    • Hi Jess!!!

      I am so glad you like it hahahaha please do download it if you like it 😉

      You’re very creative with your wallpapers 🙂 It must be so cool with your fave shot especially if you were in it hahahaha 😉 Can I have one to use it on my desktop as well?? wooooooo should be cool!!! hehehehehe

      Thanks for your visit and comment, you’re awesome!!!! XOXO
      .-= Netster´s last blog ..Orchid Wallpaper =-.

    • Hello Darling 🙂

      I didn’t realize the brightness hahahahaha I print screen with my laptop screen full power brightness so I guess the extra light was added to the picture 🙂

      I hope will use the wall paper 🙂 heheheheh


      p/s In training now.

    • Hello Daisy!

      Muck Muck Muck!!!

      I hope you have downloaded the photo 🙂 you are welcome to use it as you like 😉

      and thank you! Yes the wheel of change! I have started getting so much opportunity and I am putting them in staged..

      you’re the star! love ya

  3. Netsteeerrrrrzzzzz! Thank you for the kind words and I really hope that you’ll have time to blog more, because I really like your posts about internet or computers.

    Thanks for the WP, but I can’t use it now. I have a wonderful Taiwanese woman as my desktop 😛

    Good luck and keep your head high! 😉
    .-= My Kafkaesque Life´s last blog .. =-.

    • hahahah MKL!

      Have some flower background on your desktop sometime would be nice 😉 well in case those beautiful gals make harm to your eyes hahahahahah okay kidding.

      I’ll write some about tech 😉 just for you hahahaha I wish I don’t need to sleep so I can blog more 😉 anyway, I will keep my head high so high that I can smell the snow all the way from your place! hahahahaha I think I should visit you in the future! I want to play with the snow! (ofcoz I need to be prepared not to stuck there due to flight cancelled hhahaha)

      Thanks for your encouragement! XOXO

      You take care 🙂