On a plane to Macao

25th March 2010, 6pm, in a plane…

This is crazy. Im already on a plane to Macau and should be reaching in 3 hours and 45minutes!

I have been very busy ever since my mother-in-law passed away. I think every one of us did. We try to occupy ourselves with lot of activities. The pain is still in every one heart and the medicine we need right now is “busy”.

Thank You
ShingoT wrote a very touching stories about a girl name Lisa few month ago and I can’t help to share story of my beloved mother-in-law after reading his post. He later shared my comment to all his friends in his latest post with lot of lot of kind comments and encouragement in return.

Thank you Shingo T, you’re one awesome friend! Seriously, this world need more people like you – kind and thoughtful.

The Great Traveller
I have never seen any one with proper planning for vacation other than MKL. He basically do his research, wrote some comparison than throw some imagination and if that not enough he even wrote in his/her perspective.

In comparison I avoid all that. I’m like busy, busy, busy than grab my bag board the plane, off I go. I did not have any expectation nor direction. Lucky for me I read MKL Macao post – so I have some idea now.


To Do List

One, My friend Jimmy in Singapore want me to get him Hard Rock Cafe Tshirt. Two, every one else ask me to taste the Portuguese egg tart and my friend Dennis request that I “tapao” for him. Three, lot of photos. MKL was there last week and already missing Macau? Wow!

I bought a total of 16gb of memories for this trip. I am expecting spectacular and out of this world awesomeness from Macau, Hong Kong, ShenZhen and Disney. I almost wanted to buy a new lens but I didn’t, maybe I’ll buy tripod in China.

In the Plane

I enjoy this flight more than any other flight, it feels like home. About 60% of the passenger are Chinese Hakka and it so special to travel with majority are speaking Hakka.

Chinese Hakka love to talk, They asks if you drink enough water before you board the plane, talk about prayer at Buddhist temple, talk about singing, checking on arrival time, they laugh/talk really loud, talk about shower and etc… all in the plane.

I was talking to a Chinese Hakka bos recently and he is concern that the young Hakka generation will not speak Hakka any more, most of us speak Mandarin on a daily basis. I would suggest parent should make it a habit speaking Hakka to their children or else Hakka language would be forgotten.

Your Travel Stuffs
I have a question for you guys. Do you take note of how many times your belonging travel with you? Hahahaha I have this habit.

  • My Nike Air 360, Tissot watch, windbreaker has been to Japan.
  • My Macbook, Hush Puppy bag, Canon D400, 70-200mm, kit lens, 50mm lens, lens filters travel with me for the very first time.

I think I should start tracking, what do you think?

Now that my journey has started I like to clear one myth, they said when you travel in group and by a tour guide you normally would be force into paying in all the places you go. Let us see how true!

Macao here I come! Happy Holiday, Yay!!!

16 responses to “On a plane to Macao”

  1. Hey Netster,
    haha, my Wifey has this little soft toy – a small furry bear, which we bought in Austria during our honeymoon.

    And we always put it in the luggage everytime, so that she has something to hug when on bed (other than myself).

    I always say that the bear is one lucky bear. We freed it from the hands of the evil retail owner, and it gets to see the world with us. =p

    Have a great trip, and looking forward to more Macau stories and pics!
    .-= Shingo T´s last blog ..Shingo T the Poacher =-.

    • Hellooooo Shingo T!

      Thanks for stopping by and leave a sweet comment. I wanting to reply your comment and I guess I am really tied up. I got back from China and few days later I went to Brunei with another friend.

      I have to agree with you, your bear bear is one lucky bear! not only can travel the world but got pretty gal hug every night ohhh!!!! Your honeymoon must be very romantic!

      Talking about honeymoon, am getting married this coming sept! yeay! okay not sure what the yeay for but definitely not for the status single hahahahahah

      Thanks for sharing your cute story!


  2. First of all, Happy Easter..(I realize you may not celebrate this day)..but it’s a nice way to break in, ha. I offer my deepest condolences to your mother-in-law..she must of been a wonderful person. Sometimes busy is ok, but it’s good to also reflect. Sounds like you have many supportive friends Nester and I can understand why.
    I rarely travel..and almost don’t know how to behave myself when I do so(lol)..anyway, I hope the restaurant is going well and if you haven’t returned- my best to you on your trip.
    .-= Regina´s last blog ..The Power Of His Resurrection =-.

    • Hellooooo Regina hugs hugs

      Hiak Thank you for the greeting… and yes.. we do celebrate Easter here (but me not hehehe… my friend does… they went to churches in the morning and the evening)… Happy Easter to you too 🙂

      I am very very thankful I have many supportive friends… especially my net friends like your goodself 🙂 you make my day dear 🙂 hug hug may this Easter brings you more love 🙂

      The restaurant still in renovations and I haven’t do any training yet and this Thursday I may need to travel again… I think I need to cancel it other wise the restaurant would not be operating on time. let’s see how…

      I should travel to your place! ahhahaah or you can come travel to Malaysia… Food and lodging are cheap 🙂 you will enjoy our whole year round summer hahahaha (okay maybe except December and January – raining seasons)

      really nice to see you Regina 🙂 you have a nice day

      • Hey Nester..sorry I’m so late in responding..(At least now because of your neat and efficient web page I know I’ll be coming back. Thanks..Easter was fine..just a mellow dinner at home with family.
        You must be busy- plus have brains in your head! I’m amazed at what your doing! I also appreciate the update and taking the time out to check out that link!
        Now..some day soon I will see some of those pictures I noticed you said you took!! Please take care of yourself with all that flying..I’m sure it must be a blast. My absolute best to you friend, Regina-
        .-= Regina´s last blog ..The Summer Of Ladybugs =-.

  3. Sorry to hear the demise of your beloved MIL, got your link from Shingo T. Yeah stay busy to take the mind of and let nature takes its course as time will heal.

    “Have belonging will travel!” that’s a great idea as most have taken our personal belongings for granted and its high time to show our gratitude. Well I used to travel with my Asics shoes & my black Nike backpack to many places both overseas and local but never recorded how many times *haha* and only lately just bought a Nike Air Zoom Huarache 64. Oh your Mac and your Canon & lens are travelling with you on for the first time. Hope you have fun and happy clicking away with your camera.

    About the extras on a tour group that depends on your tour package. Some would have included most of the sight seeing entrance tickets. Think the tour guide cannot force one to pay as its optional you have the right to refuse to join if its an extra. Happy touring! tQ
    .-= Bananaz´s last blog ..ക Who Let The DOGS Out? ~ [狗] =-.

    • Hello Bananaz!

      Thank you so much for following the link from Shingo T’s blog.

      WOw wow wow! Nike Air Zoom Huarache 64 is so gorgeous! I am kinda outdated on the new Nike stuffs. I bought my Nike in Japan 2 years ago in one of the biggest premium shop and for the price I pay about RM300 – 350 it truly worth it! (The original price for the shoes was around 600)

      Talking about my laptop and cameras gears… it weight at least 5 – 6kg and I carry it on my Hush Puppy laptop bag and my shoulder is aching! hahahahah

      last but not least, the group touring… those who have travel in group and with experience, what they said is true!

      You truly get conned on your way to almost every shop you go! even if you have thought you get conned on the first shop, you will still be conned on the second shop you visit later. *sign*

      Hey thanks for your long comment 🙂 you’re awesome! cheers!

    • HEy Bro!

      yes Im alive! 🙂 as of now I have took almost 3000 pictures! hahahaha I think I would need sometime to choose the one I love fuhhh… *sweating*

      I love the places I visits! cant believe it hahahahaha everything is in one package.. good or bad.. all in one package. I learn a lot about my origin hahahaha (sounds weird!)

      anyway, I will forget about job for a while 😉

      you take cares too!

      p/s I just find out that China banned twitter and Facebook… the only way to get through this is by VPN… ahhh lazy…

        • Sorry Bro,

          really busy with my restaurants and tired when I got back home. too tired to blog and share my daily news ahhahaa I work about 12 to 14 hours a day.. can’t help it.

          I got a little bit time now but the gf says wanna go movie and window shopping and plan a little bit for the coming wedding…

          I’m simply too pooped to pop!

          Cheers bro, all the best to whatever ya doing now 🙂 take care.

  4. Hi Netster!

    I’m so sorry to hear that your Mother-in-law passed away. That is very sad news.

    I hope you get to rest and relax on your trip. I hope you have fun and get to take lots of great pictures too.

    Hugs from Daisy.