I finally subscribe to Office 365. When it first came out I have the chance to upgrade for free for a year with my Office for Mac 2011 but I didn’t take advantage of it. When the Office for iOS came out I subscribe to the service for only a month, I discontinue the service because some excel files for business were not working properly on iOS version.

When Office for iOS was made for free I reinstall Word and Excel and I beginning to like it even though I have a bad experience the first time. Some files still experiencing the same problem I had earlier, but because it was free, I think no harm done.
The reason why I decided to continue using Microsoft products is because Microsoft makes the products really worth the money.
Depend how you look at it, the 1TB space was really cheap in comparison to Dropbox or iCloud; on top of that I get Office Apps, Skype free 60mins calls per month and I get to update all office apps when new one available. Outlook is free to use too.

All these Office products and Outlook were something I use regularly before I use Apple products and I am glad Microsoft start supporting it on iOS and the Android platform.