First Weekend iPhone Sales Top Nine Million, Sets New Record

CUPERTINO, California―September 23, 2013―Apple® today announced it has sold a record-breaking nine million new iPhone® 5s and iPhone 5c models, just three days after the launch of the new iPhones on September 20. – Apple

As expected, Apple will not tell you the breakdown of iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c. Nine (9) Million iPhone 5s/5c sold in three days compare to iPhone 5, five (5) million, this is a big news for Apple.

iPhone First Weeks sales

  • iPhone 5s/5c (Sep 2013), 9 M1
  • iPhone 5 (Dec 2012), 5 M2
  • iPhone 4S (Oct 2011), 4 M3
  • iPhone 4 (Jun 2010), 1.7M4
  • iPhone 3GS (Jun 2009), 1M5
  • iPhone 3G (Jul 2008), 1M6
  • iPhone (Sep 2007), 1M7
  1. []
  2. []
  3. []
  4. []
  5. []
  6. []
  7. []

4 responses to “No Kidding. 9M iPhone sold in 3 days.”

  1. Congrats to Apple!! Wonder which one sold more – the 5s or the 5c. The gold iPhone 5s is very, very tempting : )

    • Tempting for me too. My iPhone 4 contract have ended after all. If I am getting one this year, I would buy off contract unit.

    • It interesting to see how much China contributed to this numbers. You realized the numbers tell you one or few things — big screen phone is really not all the rage. Although Apple said iPhone 5c is not a cheap iPhone, but lets face it, $100 cheaper makes a lot of different.

      Are you aiming for gold color iPhone 5s?