Night Market (Pasar Malam) in Kota Kinabalu Sabah

It was truly excited to visit the night market in Kota Kinabalu. You get all type of fruits on sales. I love this picture because it was a priceless opportunity to experience how the local ethnic lives and earn their living.

Fruit in Night Market Kota Kinabalu

The unique fruits hawker store in Kota Kinabalu Market. A papaya selling at RM1.50 (USD1 = RM3).

4 responses to “Night Market Kota Kinabalu”

    • Thank you Daisy 🙂 I knew you would love this one hehhehe 🙂 Yellow color 🙂

      Thanks Bro 🙂 I think I need to add the “like” button 😉

  1. Nice picture, Netster. Yellow is my favorite color. 🙂 It must have been interesting to get to visit the fruit market there. I hope you are having a good trip.
    .-= Daisy´s last blog ..Yes It Will! =-.