My Trip To China Zhuhai 珠海

Zhuhai 珠海

How are you my great followers and lovers? Ohhh I know I have been pretty quite lately hahahaha! Have been distracted by work and daily routine, can’t help it. Life can be very cruel sometime isn’t it? you get some, you lose some. Never had enough time to do everything we want and we make sacrifices. In my case, Blogging!

Also, I am so sorry if I haven’t been visiting your blog lately and you know that I don’t mean to neglect reading your blog. Will fly by your blog one at a time, I promise.

So here’s a bit of updates on my trip to China and I will updates more when my time and my routine permit.

We were flying AirAsia on this trip and was also my first long haul flight with AirAsia. I complain about foods served on board Malaysia Airlines before and I’m dropping this topic on AirAsia – I can never be satisfy and happy, period.

Old Town White Coffee
Old Town White Coffee

I do like to comment two things however, one, The foods was not enough for every one to BUY and two, I do recommend everyone who flying long haul on AirAsia should consider to get the premium class ticket if you can afford.

It’s took 4 hours from Kuching to Macao airport before we finally landed at 8.30pm and make our way to immigration to quickly check out. Quickly, other wise you would stuck in the next immigration for hours and hours and yes we did!

Oh Btw, AirAsia is terminating the Kuching – Macao flight for the second time in 2 years.

Macao Airport
Macao Airport

We cross over to Zhuhai, Guangdong province via Gongbei Port. You really don’t want to mess with this port, it was busy as hell! You are highly recommended to cross over during evening time.

Psst! Lot of Mainland Chinese chicks with LV, Gucci and all other branded goods crossing this port. 🙂 Macao is truly a shopping haven for the Mainland Chinese!

Gongbei Port 拱北口岸
Gongbei Port of Entry 拱北口岸

We finally out from Gongbei Port at 11pm, phew! We than straight to the bus stop waiting for our coach with dusty and smelly treat for 30min! Ah! Very tired 🙂 I think I manage to capture few great shots under very bad circumstances. Hehehe!

Gongbei Port of Entry 拱北口岸, Coach Area
Gongbei Port of Entry 拱北口岸, Coach Area
Gongbei Port of Entry 拱北口岸, Coach Area
Gongbei Port of Entry 拱北口岸, Coach Area
Gongbei Port of Entry 拱北口岸, Coach Area
Gongbei Port of Entry 拱北口岸, In The Bus

It’s a relief to have entered Zhuhai after 3 hours. We have problem with the health declaration form in Gongbei Port earlier.

Zhuhai night scene is kinda cool 🙂

Zhuhai 珠海
Zhuhai 珠海, Building/sign board
Zhuhai 珠海
Zhuhai 珠海, Building
Zhuhai 珠海
Zhuhai 珠海, Street

We reached our hotel room at 11.30pm, tired and hungry! We put down our luggage and the first thing we did was looking for food. Not sure we would enjoy our foods but we sure need some foods 🙂

Here some shots of the locations where we had our midnight supper and it was windy “yeay!” cool! And dusty! “Boooooooo!”

No.21 Yixian Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai.
No.21 Yixian Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai. My mom on the right next to the bike
No.21 Yixian Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai. "In Love" This shot taking my breath away!
No.21 Yixian Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai. "In Love" This shot takes my breath away!
My Favorite
My Favorite! what's this call?

So we had our supper, we get drinking water on our way back to hotel and I have to tell you, it is very dusty here. I like the cold windy temperature though.

Haoting Commercial Hotel, 3 stars hotel 珠海豪庭商务酒店
Haoting Commercial Hotel, 3 stars hotel 珠海豪庭商务酒店

First part end here, will continue writing (tomorrow hopefully). Trivia question: what’s so special about Zhuhai? What’s the connection between the two, Macao?
Will let you know soon 🙂

Good night!

(singing: I got the feeling… tonight it’s a good good night!)

14 responses to “My Trip To China Zhuhai 珠海”

    • helloooooooooooo Shingo!

      Wow you are back from Taiwan!!! Let me check out what you write later tonight…

      I ahve no idea if they have direct ferries but I was taking direct ferries from HongKong to Macao!!!! Kinda cool though…. hahahahah (Now that you mention it… I remember my ferries ride to macao ahhahaha)

      Thank you for visiting 🙂 will check you out later tonight kayyyyy 😉


  1. I am studying in Melbourne, Australia so I need to take an 8 hour flight back and forth. Service was not very bad though I’d recommend taking a midnight flight so that it’ll be the next morning when arrived at the destination.

    Another thing.. I’m sure Zhuhai has her own airport – considering there’s also an airport nearby in Macao? If you have been elsewhere in Guangdong you’ll notice there’re too much of airports in just a relatively small region.
    .-= biopolymath´s last blog ..Po Chu Che =-.

    • Hello Bio!

      Hey really happy to see you’re taking your time to comment. you’re awesome!

      I’m following the tour so the destination has been preplanned that way and we just follow. Thanks for the info that Zhuhai have lot of airports. I’ll be sure to check it out in the future.

      I think i wont want to go back to Zhuhai but I’ll go back to ShenZhen!!! ShenZhen is truly an awesome place to visit although I still have problems with the “ren san ren hai” make me feels dizzy hahahaha

      Hey you know what? I want to go to Melbourne someday! or at least i go back to Gold Coast again. I love the place… I think I should go during the not so hot day to enjoy my photo taking heheheh

      Hey Bio, Thanks for your visit and nice to meet you.


    • Bananaz,

      How are you? I see you wrote some very sad post lately 🙂 you take care man!

      Yes, I’ll be writing more after this but not after I really can concentrate. I just had an accident and I totaled my left side of a car. Some punk drove fast and hit me from the left side and end up the police ask me to admit wrong because according to the law, I did not give way.

      *Sign* but I guess I am still survive and my 2 other passengers was not in anyway hurt, I am already grateful!

      Cheers mike and thanks for taking your time to comment. ツ

  2. Hi Netster! Good to see you blogging again. Sounds like you had quite a trip! I enjoyed seeing your pictures too. I’ll look forward to hearing part two. 🙂

    Hope your week is going well!

    Hugs from Daisy!
    .-= Daisy´s last blog ..Petals and Puddles =-.

    • Daisy! ((Smootchhhhhh)) hehehhehe

      How was your interview going? sorry I didn’t update myself 🙁 I hope everything when well 🙂 ((HUGS))

      Will Write the part 2 this week. I have been making enemy with “time” these day… hahahhaha

      Okay see you at your blog 🙂

    • cHrIstInA_YY My Darling 🙂 hehehehhe

      I dont really take alot of self pictures. I have problem posing… I need to imaging like an actor if I need to take good self photo… i need a professional! hahahhaah

      Your Thai Cottage, you eat alone ah? What about mine? 😛

  3. This was interesting to read. If I wanted to enter Zhuhai, I’d need visa, but for Macau, my passport is enough. Looks like you lost a lot of time on the border, why does it take so long? I’m looking fwd to part II 🙂 I wonder, if you only passed through Macau, or if you stayed there and walked around.
    .-= My Kafkaesque Life´s last blog ..Gangnam, Seoul’s modern center =-.

    • Hey Bro!

      I guess Taiwan has been treating you alright except for the gnats annoyance heheheheh

      I was just passed through Macao. We are making a big round about before we come back to Macao on the day 7 of our trip.

      The line is so full of peoples, majority are Mainland Chinese and 2 long lines of visitors. You have no choice, the customs check is really thorough even for a Mainland Chinese!

      Anyway, the Gongbei Port is super duper busy because of Hongkong and Macao. Local or not, everyone go through the same gate, everyone uses passport and stamping passport in and out between Mainland and Hong Kong/Macao.

      Thank you for your time commenting here 🙂 see you in Twitter.

  4. Hello Nester!! Sounds like you had an exciting trip- very intriguing..I think I would agree about the nightlife shots here-they do look fun and I like the image with the palm tree agains that neat entry. So that’s you mum!? How nice..and a warm bite to eat. I can’t guess what kind of food (carbohydrate)? So it was dusty there but pleasent huh?
    Zhuhai and Macao..hmm? Women? I’m trying to figure on the workings of the male brain! lol..
    Anyway, glad to read your post and that you had a safe trip! Always, Regina-

    • Helloooo Regina 🙂

      Good to see you commenting here! I love your comments ((HUGS HUGS))

      Yes that was my mum, one and only hahahhaa. The food, I think we call it puff. the taste of peanuts and sesame was so delicious! I don’t know the name, will look it up when I got time.

      The street is stressful, can see from the facial expression of some night workers here. It was really late (12midnight) and they are still doing construction work. In this part of the world, hardworking is the key to stay survive.

      I would, on behalf of them to say “You/we are lucky!” we don’t have to work like that.

      Zhuhai/Macao, girls? LOL I love your answer 🙂 but not really the correct answer hahahaha

      I will tell you more soon 🙂 Thank you for taking your time to commenting here. Love ya!