My busy week, love and friends, life!

It has been all work but no rest for the pass 3 weeks. We work from Monday to Sunday, Monday to Sunday, and Monday to Sunday again… I can’t believe me and my staffs had skipped 3 Saturday and Sunday without rest since end of July!

What’s makes people successful or enjoying their works? Maybe it’s because of team work? Maybe the right set of objectives? Pushing the limit? But the one thing for sure… me and my teams make a habit of doing the things that other are not willing to do.

Melinda Gordon in Ghost Whisperer asking are we doing enough in our life? I think I have a same question because looking at what happen in the pass weeks things isn’t running so smooth at my beloved home town.

First there was this guy trying to rob, end up beaten to death by the public. It’s classified as murder case afterward. Than there was this gal was murdered for some complicated love triangle? And the most glue some, wife accidental killed his husband and got panics… chop every parts of her spouse and store in the icebox. Later was found by a new tenant who bought the apartment.

I guess life is too short to waste… but that’s what life is all about… no one runs away from law of averages. It’s complicated.

Let’s love in today… that’s what we humble humans should be doing every day. If you on the break up I’m sorry to hear that but hey! Life goes on…

I like to shout out to my lovely net friend Lavenda… I know it’s hard to letting it go but one way or another you have to walk the street you know very well… without him. Take some time and you will get over it… because right this moment all the peoples in the world sharing the same tears as you. So head up… you will be feeling okay tomorrow and the day after 🙂 I like to dedicate this song to you and hope you will like it 🙂

This week I have added some of my real life friends I misses to my friendster. It’s great to know that they too have a friendster account, it’s easy to keep in touch and well you know how life been treating us… it’s easy to over sight of what’s happening to every one of us. No more phone calls and every one head on separate ways in life will definitely make us apart. I’ll like to get together sometime asking how are you?

Tomorrow morning I got to get up early to airport. I’m going to Kota Kinabalu again and later on 24th Aug I’ll be going to Kuala Lumpur. “You know Speedcat”, “I have never been out side of Malaysia before not until I won that ticket to Australia”. It does make me realize how great this life is. I was not born with a silver spoon. My family can’t afford the best nice and cozy house, best meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner for all their children. We went to school only to see other kids having nice meals at school canteen while we only to hope that our parents was as rich as them. I guess this part of my life won’t be on this blog tonight… some other day perhaps… Got to get some sleep…

It’s going to be long week a head of me…