My周杰倫 (Jay Chou) New Album我很忙 On The Run

Post embed with 蒲公英的约定 jOyLyN’s Piano skills Video *hehehe*

My周杰倫 (jay Chou) New Album我很忙 On The Run
My周杰倫 (jay Chou) New Album我很忙 On The Run

Wow! My post on Jay Chou 然范特西/still Fantasy (Thanks McKy 🙂 ) was almost 1 year old! Hahaha kidding me not, Jay is throwing one more new album. This album is still KickAss!

I find it hilarious on some reviewers. Although they don’t really happy how this album turns up (They expecting more from Jay! So they, the reviewer get fucking frustrated) but still give a good thumb up for this album. Yes, not a bias review but I smell the “big Jay’s Fan” trying to look cool 😉 after all, who dares to offense Jay’s fans eh? Hahahahah

Personally I was surprise that Jay seem experimental his music in the album. Not that there’s anything wrong with that (hehehe), just surprise! That was on the first listening through but the second round listening to the album I am glued to 彩虹 (rainbow). Heck, I even try to play it on my guitar. Damn! That was really hard. My finger slip sliding and out of place (on the guitar fret la ofcoz 😛 some more only the front part of the guitar plucking LOL couldn’t find all the chord)

Watch my Video below *wink wink* I have to use my electric guitar because my finger was hurt playing the acoustic guitar. I’m not sure if you compare 晴天 and 彩虹 which one better. (晴天 more like Jay, right!)


So what’s experimental?

Thank god that the whole album doesn’t sound this way! I know Bon Jovi pull this one off with no sweat! LOL However, after watching the MTV. I give this song a second thought. It was actually good! I mean the MTV only la!彩虹
I didn’t realize the existent of this song. I thought it was sloppy song. Never heard his music like this before but I stick on it on the 3rd play back. Guess what? I keep repeating it to look for the guitar chord.

This one really not Jay! I mean pop rock? Any one? Jay? Geez! But still really good, that’s because it was on guitar so I can be Jay real fast!

I love this song, really do. But I would sleep with it if he sang the way he does in “Ninja”. What a waste. The base line could split your speaker in 2 but the song is too soft. More hip hop pleaseeeee!

Jay wakes up on a wrong site of the bed? This song is good, very good but I prefer Jay give this song to S.H.E and please take back 中國話 from S.H.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 甜甜的 Is a fun song but very gay but I still listening to it la… I love the Choo! Choo! part LOL

I do believe when a musician playing their own style of music over time will get them bored and in a long run it gives musicians no inspiration to go on. This is just a basic human nature you get bored over time! Talented musicians would explore new way to express their best work and some time the fans or reviewer interprets them as “slack” or a bad follow up album or movie! Not that there’s anything wrong with that (hehehe)

One way or another, this album 100% KissAss (don’t sue me Rodney Reynolds, your line was cool hahahaha!) for new to Jay Chou listener, you will worship him! For Jay’s Fans, you will find that this album is just as interesting but some of you may disappointed a little. As for me I enjoy all the songs but not #1 and #10 and the fact that the album was only 10 tracks were really a boo!

This one is for jOyLyN Ho. I know she loves 蒲公英的约定 ! She came up to me one day (in September) and showing off her piano skills after watching the first movie directed by Jay Chou himself. I have not watch the movie “Secret” 不能說的秘密 (Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi) So jOyLyN Ho She said, “Uncle you’re so out dated!” Ya right, Joylyn!

Let’s show off her piano skills shall we? than dedicated the song to Joylyn 🙂


So, do you like it?

Enjoy the songs from Jay Chow!


Happy weekend guys!

Choo! (interesting)

7 responses to “My周杰倫 (Jay Chou) New Album我很忙 On The Run”

  1. Hi Min *Hugs*

    Wow, You play Guitar! *sexy* Tell you the truth I do not write tab and I don’t know how to read them but luckily I still know what it was. I hate to disappoint you so I run to the store and find something for you. *ego ego* LOL (my tabbing should be a bit different but I haven’t�got time to look up for the full song’s tab. got to rewind the mp3 1000 times to make it happen)

    This song doesn’t seem to be easy though but iI’m sure you can :). I hope once you master it you will be able to digicam it and send to me :) I would love to see you play.

    Please keep in touch, my email at netster(att) and thank yo u for your visit and enjoy your guitar session with Jay Chou ;)

    Jai Guitar Tab

    Note: The Chord should be credited to a person but unfortunately, don’t know who. Anyway, thanks!

  2. JOhnny,

    hehehehe yeah something like that. I thought he’s very good after I don’t fancy a lot of male artist from HK.

    thanks for your visit!


  3. Wei i’m not Netquest lah! 🙁

    Si Netquest want to have same nick as me now people get mix up! /me slap Netquest
