MWC 2011 – SAMSUNG Mobile Galaxy 10.1 Video Presentation

Android 3.0 Honeycomb on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Tab 2) look pretty cool and slick! Worth a jong when this unit is out in the wild together with Motorola Xoom.

Since Apple introduce iPad original in 2010 – Tablets maker is pushing for dual core possessor faster than making new laptop, netbook and desktop.

Seriously I do not fancy Samsung Galaxy Tab (1st version) but with this new version I would give it a jong!

Photo from TFTS,

2 responses to “MWC 2011 – SAMSUNG Mobile Galaxy 10.1 Video Presentation”

  1. Cool Tablets! Neo cannot decide on the blue or the red pill. Got jong pill ah?.. [..the Matrix ] muahahaha..

    tQ for the post wonder what is the price range like?

    • In US rumors has it that the Motorola Xoom is price at USD600 than in one occasion it was something like USD1000.

      For Samsung Galaxy Tab version 1 in Malaysia it was already retailing at almost 2k!

      My guess is this unit should be priced between USD400 – 800. If this is the price than we should go for Ipad 2, 3 instead. (rumors (again) that iPad 3 maybe out by Q3 despite the iPad 2 is no way to be seen yet)

      Anyway, everything is possible. Apple updated/revisions of products annually and with more tablets hitting the market Apple would find the opportunity to steal the show and stir the market.

      iPad hold the 90% market and Apple won’t give up the seat anytime soon 😀 So I am watching Apple closely and I hope Samsung and Motorola would up to the challenge other wise I would still go for iPad.