Motorola Xoom Wifi Enabled Version Coming to Maxis


Excited? If you have been looking for an Android tablets that runs on Motorola hardware, your wait stop here.

Maxis is releasing Motorola Xoom soon and you can get your self registered here. Motorola Xoom received some good review during the initial launch in the US and many thought this is an iPad killer. Killer or not you may have your own reason to own one.

5 Reasons You Should Get Motorola Xoom

  1. The first real Android OS (Honeycomb) that were designed specifically for tablets. Unlike Samsung attempt (test water) with their first version of Galaxy Tab lines up that's not a real tablets OS. it's simply a big phone running Android Froyo.
  2. Like Samsung Nexus with Android OS, Motorola was given the exclusive partnership by Google in designing the tablets that work with Honeycomb. You will be sure to have a better product supports and you should get a better software updates from time to time.
  3. Motorala promised to support flash 10.1 with Xoom. Whether this is one of the features you really hope for the choice is yours. iPad so far have proven we don't really need Flash to have great web experience and one of the biggest issue with Flash is battery life (many agreed and many not).
  4. It's a Dual Core 1GHz processor. Motorola Xoom was one of the very first Tablets that was known to run on dual core before iPad
  5. You hates iPad


Xoom arriving to Malaysia sooner than my prediction. Looks like Xoom have plenty of stocks going around the world and you'll be sure to own one without running out of stocks.

I am guessing in between RM1999 to RM2499.

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